19. 01. 2024 Gianluca Piccolo Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.33

We fixed a bug in Icinga2 that caused a huge increment of the InfluxDB disk usage.

Another bug that was fixed was causing smsd configuration to be lost during the upgrade.

Finally, in Tornado it is now possible to correctly insert conditions of type regex in node filters.

Updated packages

We updated the following packages:

  • icinga2, icinga2-autosetup, icinga2-bin, icinga2-common, icinga2-configurator, icinga2-ido-mysql, icinga2-ido-pgsql, icinga2-neteye-config and icinga2-resources to version 2.14.0_neteye1.52.3-1
  • smstools-neteye-config, smstools-neteye-config-autosetup, smstools-neteye-config-configurator to version 1.7.1-1
  • icingaweb2-module-tornado, icingaweb2-module-tornado-autosetup, icingaweb2-module-tornado-configurator to version 2.4.2-1
Gianluca Piccolo
Full Stack Developer at Wuerth Phoenix. I love questioning myself, find new challenges to learn and new adventures to grow up. PHP lover trying to expand my skills studying new languages and tools to improve my professional life.


Gianluca Piccolo

Full Stack Developer at Wuerth Phoenix. I love questioning myself, find new challenges to learn and new adventures to grow up. PHP lover trying to expand my skills studying new languages and tools to improve my professional life.

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