Blog Entries

17. 01. 2023 Mattia Codato Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.27

We fixed a bug that did not allow SLM resource reports to be generated correctly for sending via email. We have updated Icinga Web 2 with the latest bug fix release that brings security fixes. For NetEye 4.27 we updated the following packages:

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11. 01. 2023 Elena Valgoi Service Management

Agile Adoption Is Hard… So What’s the Secret Sauce?

Gartner said it in 2020, but how is it going? Lets’ take a look at some statistics…  The pandemic has forced companies to adopt an Agile approach, especially in order to improve communication among distributed teams. Teams in the software industry have seen an increase in Agile practices from 37% to 86%2.  Therefore, most companies…

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11. 01. 2023 Mattia Codato Bug Fixes, NetEye

Package Update for NetEye 4.26, 4.25 and 4.24

To identify a NetEye system globally, a unique NUUID (NetEye Universal Unique IDentifier) will be assigned to each NetEye Node. Red Hat Subscriptions are now bound to the NUUID.The feature has been originally released in NetEye 4.27 and is now backported for NetEye versions 4.26, 4.25, and 4.24. For more information on the registration of…

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10. 01. 2023 Francesco Pavanello Blue Team, SEC4U

Spam Trap Box – A Powerful Method to Detect Phishing Attempts

It’s more and more common to receive emails asking for credentials. They usually say that there’s some kind of issue that can only be solved by accessing the involved service using the link inside the message text. In most cases these emails are malicious, intended to steal users’ or employees’ credentials and gain access to…

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10. 01. 2023 Federico Corona Red Team, SEC4U

Red_Team_Script, a Powerful Script for Red Team Activities

Cybersecurity is a discipline that deals with protecting computer systems and digital data from attacks and security breaches. With the increasing use of technology and dependence on computer systems in everyday life, cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important. But what are the risks for those who don’t know how to protect themselves? Online security risks can…

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09. 01. 2023 William Calliari Development

Static Field Validation in Serde

I recently had to parse the JSON-RPC 2.0 standard and ran into the following problem: The standard requires the field “jsonrpc”: “2.0” in the JSON itself, and I wanted to validate that with Serde to ensure the message conforms to the standard. On the other hand I don’t need the field in the actual struct,…

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05. 01. 2023 Gabriele Cecco Service Management

New Year’s Resolutions List

We’re at the end of the year again and it’s time to draw up the famous list of good resolutions for the coming year. I’m talking about good and working resolutions, the ones relating to good non-working resolutions is always very difficult to respect. I could challenge many of you to state for the record…

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05. 01. 2023 Mattia Codato Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.27

We fixed the default configuration paths used to send SMS messages. For NetEye 4.27 we updated the following packages:

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04. 01. 2023 Mirko Morandini Asset Management, Unified Monitoring

Using GLPI with the Metabase Open Source BI Tool for Visualizing Rich Reports and Dashboards

Asset management/CMDB tools play (or should play!) a central role in IT operations and management, gathering data from hardware assets on contracts, software licenses, network configurations, tickets and many more. The key task is to keep all this data consistent and up to date. Rigor in manual data insertion and the careful integration of automation…

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02. 01. 2023 Beatrice Dall'Omo Red Team, SEC4U

Focus on the noPac Attack

In December 2021 Microsoft revealed two vulnerabilities concerning an Active Directory Domain Services privilege elevation, classified as CVE-2021-42278 and CVE-2021-42287. By combining the two exploits in the so-called noPac attack, a malicious actor could perform a privilege escalation by impersonating the Domain Administrator after starting out as a standard user. This would lead to a…

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