Blog Entries

09. 03. 2023 Davide Sbetti Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.26

We fixed an issue in Grafana for which the panel description icon and the panel title resulted overlapped. For NetEye 4.26 we updated the following packages:

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09. 03. 2023 Davide Sbetti Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.28

We fixed an issue in Grafana for which the panel description icon and the panel title resulted overlapped. For NetEye 4.28 we updated the following packages:

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03. 03. 2023 Davide Sbetti Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.28

To tackle an issue preventing the start, under certain circumstances, of some Beats on Windows machines, we updated the version of the Elastic Stack shipped with the SIEM module to version 7.17.9. For NetEye 4.28 we updated the following packages:

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02. 03. 2023 Elena Valgoi Atlassian, Knowledge Management, NetEye, Service Management

Atlassian Bi-Monthly News 🎉 ~ March Edition

Welcome, everyone to our first “Monthly Atlassian News”! Why are we doing this? You might know that the Atlassian website is so complete, that finding information can be a big challenge😵 So… we decided to do the dirty work for you and summarize all the latest features and news from the Atlassian ecosystem every two…

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01. 03. 2023 Tobias Goller NetEye

Enable DNS Caching on RedHat 8

I was recently with a customer when he pointed out to me that his NetEye 4 system with its RedHat 8 operating system was sending an extremely large number of DNS queries to the DNS servers. After quickly analyzing the situation I found that RHEL does not cache DNS queries by default. Obviously the customer…

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28. 02. 2023 Charles Callaway Documentation

Making Your Own Video Tutorials, Part 12: Storyboarding

Okay, this is Part 12, so we’re all experts now. Still, there are a number of things you can do to up your game. Today let’s talk about one of them: planning your video with an organizational tool called storyboarding. Briefly, a storyboard is a visual tool, a series of drawn frames with written dialog…

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28. 02. 2023 William Calliari Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.28

We fixed edit permissions for the icingaweb2 module Tornado. If the root node of the tornado processing tree was modified it would duplicate the node as a child node of the root node. Since the root node is not meant to be editable, we deactivated that functionality in the Tornado UI. For NetEye 4.28 we…

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27. 02. 2023 Elena Valgoi Atlassian, Knowledge Management, NetEye, Service Management

You’re Not Using Confluence the Right Way, Part 2

In my last article I used some examples to show how you can collaborate on Confluence. I talked about how it’s useful for knowledge management and project management, especially if integrated with the Atlassian suite. I also gave some examples on how it can be used at the enterprise level to improve communication. Today I…

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20. 02. 2023 Elena Valgoi Atlassian, Knowledge Management, NetEye, Service Management

You’re Not Using Confluence the Right Way

Have you ever wondered if you’re using Confluence to its full potential? Confluence is such a flexible tool, and can be used in so many ways, that a lot of people get confused about it. Many customers have asked me what’s the added value of this tool compared to others, so here’s a short guide…

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19. 02. 2023 Gabriele Cecco Asset Management

An Easy Way to Manage a Shared Office

The ongoing evolution of the world of work also carries through to the areas where this work is carried out. Never before have so many people and companies finally understood that smart working is a reality, and that the productivity of employees who work partly at home rather than the office does not decrease but…

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17. 02. 2023 Emil Fazzi Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.28

We fixed edit permissions for module Geo Map. Now users with only editor access will not be able to edit map names. For NetEye 4.28 we updated the following packages:

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16. 02. 2023 Emil Fazzi Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.28

We fixed role sorting in the Access Control page: now it is possible to view all the roles sorted by name. This viewing settings is settled by default when accessing the Access Control page and can be changed in the dedicated menu. For NetEye 4.28 we updated the following packages:

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16. 02. 2023 Giovanni Davide Saccá Unified Monitoring

NagVis Module: How to Create a Regular Map

NagVis is a visualization add-on for NetEye, and can be used to show NetEye monitoring data, over for example, a Network Schema as the use case below will show you. Thanks to NagVis, you can import a previously created network schema into NetEye, and overlay network objects that have previously been monitored by NetEye. Let’s…

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15. 02. 2023 Giovanni Davide Saccá Unified Monitoring

NetEye GeoMap Module

NetEye provides its users with the GeoMap module, and recently a customer asked me to prepare a useful GeoMap configuration for him, so he could geographically locate the backbone devices in his network. The NetEye Geo Map module allows you to overlay the position and status of hosts on top of a customizable map, based…

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15. 02. 2023 Giovanni Davide Saccá Unified Monitoring

Ntopng and Behavior Analysis

Ever since version 5.4 of nBoxes with the Enterprise L license it’s been possible to use a new feature called Behavior Analysis. Let’s see what it is and how to take advantage of it. This ntopng feature enables monitoring of periodic flows of network traffic, i.e., flows that frequently repeat, by highlighting the services it…

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