18. 07. 2023 Alessandro Valentini DevOps

My OpenShift Journey #6: Pipelining Part II

In my previous blog-post I wrote an introduction to pipelining in OpenShift. This blog post is a follow-up to explain how to trigger a pipeline automatically.

Tekton triggers are quite complex and need some explanation in order to be understood. To trigger a pipeline you need several components. In the graph below you can see the components (marked in red) defined inside the Tekton Pipeline, while the Ingress loadbalancer (green) and Bitbucket (blue) are components external to Tekton.

Run the pipeline in response to an event

Let’s start from the bottom: we have the pipeline, and in particular we’re interested in the pipeline parameters:

    - name: version
      type: string
      default: "4.31"
      description: "Version to build"
    - name: sourceGitBranch
      type: string
      default: 'develop'
      description: "Branch"
    - name: prDestinationBranch
      type: string
      default: ""
      description: "PR Target branch"
    - name: prRepositoryName
      type: string
      default: ""
      description: "PR repository branch"
    - name: GitOpsBranch
      type: string
      default: "prod"

To trigger a pipeline run we have to create a pipeline template, which basically states which pipeline run (via pipelineRef), with which workspace (in this case we are specifying a pvc which supports read-write-many) and with which parameters.

Note that some parameters (such as version) are hard-coded, while other are taken as params, like we saw in the previous blog-post. Here the difference is that you have to use tt.params.<param_name> where tt stand for TriggerTemplate. As usual you can specify additional properties like timeout, etc…

apiVersion: triggers.tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: TriggerTemplate
  name: my-pipeline-pipeline-template
  namespace: openshift-pipelines
    - name: sourceGitBranch
    - name: prDestinationBranch
    - name: prRepositoryName
    - apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
      kind: PipelineRun
        generateName: my-pipeline-
          name: my-pipeline
        timeout: 1h0m0s
          - name: shared-workspace
              claimName: ug-pipelines-pvc-rwx
        serviceAccountName: openshift-pipelines
          - name: version
            value: "4.31"
          - name: sourceGitBranch
            value: $(tt.params.sourceGitBranch)
          - name: prDestinationBranch
            value: $(tt.params.prDestinationBranch)
          - name: prRepositoryName
            value: $(tt.params.prRepositoryName)
          - name: GitOpsBranch
            value: "prod"

But where do the trigger templates take their values from? Of course you’ll need an additional object to map something to the trigger template, and this object is called a TriggerBinding:

apiVersion: triggers.tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: TriggerBinding
  name: my-pipeline-bitbucket-binding
  namespace: openshift-pipelines
    - name: sourceGitBranch
      value: $(extensions.pr_source_branch_name)
    - name: prDestinationBranch
      value: $(extensions.pr_destination_branch_name)
    - name: prRepositoryName
      value: $(extensions.pr_source_repository_name)

As you can see, here you are mapping some fields contained in the extensions object to the TriggerTemplate arguments. And this extension object comes from the EventListener:

apiVersion: triggers.tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: EventListener
  name: my-pipeline-bitbucket-listener
  namespace: openshift-pipelines
  serviceAccountName: openshift-pipelines
    - name: my-pipeline-bitbucket-trigger
        - ref:
            name: "bitbucket"
            - name: eventTypes
                - pullrequest:created
                - pullrequest:updated
        - ref:
            name: "cel"
            - name: "overlays"
                - key: pr_source_branch_name
                  expression: "body.pullrequest.source.branch.name"
                - key: pr_destination_branch_name
                  expression: "body.pullrequest.destination.branch.name"
                - key: pr_source_repository_name
                  expression: "body.repository.name"
        - ref: my-pipeline-bitbucket-binding
        ref: my-pipeline-pipeline-template

Starting from the bottom, you can see that the EventListener maps a (trigger)binding to a (trigger)template.

The other relevant part of the EL is the triggers section: in this case it contains two interceptors:

  • The bitbucket interceptor is specific to Bitbucket and in this case we will be filtering requests by accepting only PR (pull request) creation and updates. Equivalent interceptors are also available for other repositories like Github.
  • The cel interceptor is useful for parsing raw requests (the Bitbucket interceptor is quite limited). In this case we will be extracting several JSON fields and storing the results in an extension.<key> value, which is used by the TriggerBinding above. Here you can find the documentation about Bitbucket events, which are quite large objects and so we won’t show them here.

At this point almost everything is in place, but you still cannot start a pipeline in response to an external event. To do this you have to use an Ingress (or a Route) to make the EventListener reachable. Basically, Ingresses are standard Kubernetes, while Routes are OpenShift-specific objects with additional features, but are still fully compatible with Ingresses. Here you can find a more detailed explanation.

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
  name: my-pipeline-bitbucket-listener
  namespace: openshift-pipelines
    - host: example.com
          - backend:
                name: el-my-pipeline-bitbucket-listener
                  number: 80
            path: /my-trigger/
            pathType: Prefix

You must pay attention to the service: the Ingress (or route) must point to the service named like the EventListener with el- prepended. For example, to invoke my-pipeline-bitbucket-listener you must use the service el-my-pipeline-bitbucket-listener .

Run the Pipeline Periodically

At this point, provided that Ingress is properly exposed, you should be able to trigger the pipeline in response to an event, for example the opening of a PR on Bitbucket. In case you need to start a pipeline periodically and not (or not only) in response to an event, you’ll have to add a CronJob:

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: CronJob
  name: azure-provisioner-build-job-core
  namespace: openshift-pipelines
  schedule: "0 5 * * *"
  concurrencyPolicy: Forbid
  failedJobsHistoryLimit: 3
  successfulJobsHistoryLimit: 3
            - name: azure-provisioner-pipeline-trigger
              image: curlimages/curl:latest
                - name: branch_name
                  value: "my_branch"
                - /bin/sh
                - -ec
                - "curl -d '{..}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST 'http://example.com/my-trigger/'"
          restartPolicy: Never

To trigger the pipeline you need to create an object to call Ingress via curl, you can even parametrize some variables defining them in env and using them as normal environment variables inside the container.

In the metadata section you can see that you can just insert a cronjob time to launch the command periodically; you can also see other parameters concerning concurrency and history cleaning.


As you can see, triggering is quite complex and requires a lot more objects than the pipeline itself does, and we struggled quite a bit the first time we implemented a trigger for our pipelines. Furthermore there are some pitfalls (like the el- prefix and tt. object) which are not straightforward.

My hope is that this blog post makes it a bit clearer how triggers work and gives an overview of the entire structure.

These Solutions are Engineered by Humans

Did you find this article interesting? Are you an “under the hood” kind of person? We’re really big on automation and we’re always looking for people in a similar vein to fill roles like this one as well as other roles here at Würth Phoenix.

Alessandro Valentini

Alessandro Valentini

DevOps Engineer at Wuerth Phoenix
DevOps Engineer at Würth Phoenix


Alessandro Valentini

DevOps Engineer at Würth Phoenix

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