Blog Entries

14. 09. 2021 Dominik Gramegna Development, Icinga Web 2, NetEye, PHP

Personal Impressions on Creating Custom Icinga Web 2 Modules

In my second and last blog I want to talk about the procedure for writing Icinga Web 2 modules (icingaweb2-modules) for NetEye. This will be my last blog because as of today, I will sadly leave this company. In my short time here I’ve had the occasion to learn the art of making own Icinga…

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14. 09. 2021 Damiano Chini Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.19

We fixed a bug that caused the yum groups “neteye” and “neteye-tools” to not being marked as installed on some NetEye instances. For NetEye 4.19 we updated the following packages: neteye-setup to version 1.75.1-1

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10. 09. 2021 Mattia Codato Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.19

We fixed a bug that caused the ES_CLUSTER_INITIAL_MASTER variable to be overwritten when a new Elastic-only node was added to the cluster. For NetEye 4.19 we updated the following packages: apm-server, apm-server-autosetup, apm-server-neteye-config, elasticsearch, elasticsearch-autosetup, elasticsearch-neteye-config, elasticsearch-xpack-license, filebeat, filebeat-autosetup, filebeat-neteye-config, kibana, kibana-autosetup, kibana-neteye-config, logstash, logstash-autosetup, logstash-neteye-config, logstash-neteye-config-autosetup to version 7.12.1_neteye3.30.3-1

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09. 09. 2021 Bharat Bisht Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.19

We fixed a bug in the Analytics Module that sometimes failed to render a custom dashboard correctly. We fixed also a bug in the ntopng SSO that didn’t allow the users with the “.” (dot) contained in the username to log in correctly. For NetEye 4.19 we updated the following packages: icingaweb2-module-analytics, icingaweb2-module-analytics-autosetup to version…

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07. 09. 2021 Alessandro Valentini Bug Fixes, Log-SIEM, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.19

We fixed two bugs in Logstash: an issue related to corrupted jvm.options configuration files, which prevents Logstash from starting properly a pipeline bug will cause Logstash to index every time in the same index which will grow up infinitely if a proper rollover template is not defined For NetEye 4.19 we updated the following packages:…

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07. 09. 2021 Gianluca Piccolo Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.19

We fix a userguide bug about the procedure to migrate the Nats Server to a supported configuration. For NetEye 4.19 we updated the following packages: nats-server and nats-server-autosetup to version 2.1.7_neteye1.12.1-1

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03. 09. 2021 Valentina Da Rold Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.19

We updated Icingaweb2 to the latest bugfix. For icingaweb2 module tornado we fixed a wrong validation of the rule WHERE clause, we fixed some errors that appeared with viewer users, and finally we fixed the event type label in the test event window. For NetEye 4.19 we updated the following packages: icingacli, icingaweb2, icingaweb2-autosetup, icingaweb2-common,…

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02. 09. 2021 Massimo Giaimo Exposure Assessment, SEC4U

Exposure Assessment: Know the Attack Surface

This is the first in a series of articles that aims to technically describe the various objects collected within our Exposure Assessment activity, based on our OSINT & Cyber Threat Intelligence SATAYO platform. Its functionalities and the elements make it a fundamental tool for all organizations wishing to continuously monitor their exposure within public domain…

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31. 08. 2021 Bharat Bisht Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.19

We fixed a bug of Influxdb restart fails during neteye_secure_install. For NetEye 4.19 we updated the following packages: influxdb, influxdb-autosetup, influxdb-neteye-config to version 1.8.5_neteye2.8.2-1 neteye-setup to version 1.75.0-1

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28. 08. 2021 Bharat Bisht Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.19

We fixed a bug in the Audit Log module that occurred when trying to search for activities using the search bar, a stacktrace is printed instead of the search result. For NetEye 4.19 we updated the following packages: icingaweb2-module-neteye, icingaweb2-module-neteye-autosetup to version 1.97.3-1

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27. 08. 2021 Bharat Bisht Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.19

We fixed a bug related to grafana-cli execution permission. For NetEye 4.19 we updated the following packages: grafana, grafana-autosetup, grafana-neteye-config to version 7.5.5_neteye3.14.2-1

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25. 08. 2021 Charles Callaway Documentation, PHP

A Dead Simple CMS/WAMP Development Environment

Suppose you need to set up or maintain a simple but professional looking website on Windows (maybe even on a budget), be able to develop using tools like PHP, have it all work even when you don’t have web access, and then once you’re done, wouldn’t it be great if you didn’t have to compile,…

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23. 08. 2021 Lorenzo Candeago ITOA

Telegraf’s Starlark Processor

In the world of IT monitoring, we often deal with metrics that are cumulative, or where we cannot control or modify the definition of a metric. Examples include the various Windows performance monitoring metrics for MS Dynamics AX 2013 R3 (AOS) server. These metrics are cumulative, but whenever the AOS services are restarted, or the…

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20. 08. 2021 Bharat Bisht Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.19

We fixed a bug that makes it impossible for the users to inspect the activities present in the Audit log. For NetEye 4.19 we updated the following packages: icingaweb2-module-auditlog, icingaweb2-module-auditlog-autosetup to version 1.9.1-1

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20. 08. 2021 Gianluca Piccolo Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.19

We fixed some bugs in the Geo Map layers configuration form. For NetEye 4.19 we updated the following packages: icingaweb2-module-geomap, icingaweb2-module-geomap-autosetup to version 1.10.1-1

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