16. 04. 2020
Alessandro Valentini
Bug Fixes, NetEye
Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.11
We fixed errors which prevents moving httpd certificates to cluster resource caused by unexpected options in httpd ssl configuration.
For NetEye 4.11 we updated:
- httpd-neteye-config httpd-neteye-config-autosetup httpd-neteye-config-devel to version 1.6.1-1
- icingacli icingaweb2-selinux icingaweb2-vendor-Parsedown icingaweb2 icingaweb2-vendor-dompdf icingaweb2-vendor-zf1 icingaweb2-autosetup icingaweb2-vendor-HTMLPurifier php-Icinga icingaweb2-common icingaweb2-vendor-JShrink icingaweb2-devel icingaweb2-vendor-lessphp to version 2.7.3_neteye1.65.1-1
- icingaweb2-module-assetmanagement icingaweb2-module-assetmanagement-autosetup to version 1.15.1-1
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