Out Now – The New NetEye & EriZone Training Program
Ready to take your IT process skills beyond the traditional? Our new training offerings will help you acquire, maintain and improve your knowledge and skills around our solutions. This year’s training program contains courses for NetEye, EriZone or Alyvix customers and partners, each lasting between 2 and 4 working days. The main focus will be on Unified Monitoring, Service Management, IT Operations Analytics, Log Management and Synthetic Monitoring.
Why attend?
The importance of professional and high quality experience is vital to being more productive in the use and configuration of software, and for keeping abreast of the latest features, all while being tailored to your personal requirements.
What can you expect?
Explore advanced techniques and principles in Unified Monitoring approaches and IT-service management strategies
Gain a thorough grounding in the solutions themselves and hands-on experience through practical exercises
Achieve skills for covering the basics such as configuration and daily usage, as well as extensive know-how in advanced monitoring and service management processes
What can you get out of it?
You will deepen your knowledge and understanding in specialized workshop sessions
You will learn the latest features and what upcoming software releases will enable you to do
Take the opportunity to exchange experiences with fellow participants and discover their alternative approaches to solving common problems
In some test or development environments, there may be a need to simulate the presence of GSM modems without having physical devices. This can be useful, for example, to test monitoring checks, SMS management systems, or to create new notification Read More
Just like last year, we had the wonderful opportunity to attend FOSDEM, the most important open source conference in Europe. This year was no exception, and among the many exciting talks, one that particularly caught my attention was Alex Stefanini’s Read More
When designing an Elasticsearch architecture, choosing the right storage is crucial. While NFS might seem like a convenient and flexible option, it comes with several pitfalls when used for hosting live Elasticsearch data (hot, warm, cold, and frozen nodes). However, Read More
When using Kibana in environments that require a proxy to reach external services, you might encounter issues with unrecognized SSL certificates. Specifically, if the proxy is exposed with its own certificate and acts as an SSL terminator, requests made by Read More
In a previous post we went through the configuration of Elastic Universal Profiling in NetEye, seeing how we can profile applications written in programming languages that do not compile to native code (for example Python, PHP, Perl, etc.) But what Read More