Siamo lieti di annunciare il rilascio delle nuove minor release delle nostre soluzioni di IT System & Service Management NetEye e EriZone. Oltre ad importanti miglioramenti, soprattutto in ambito di stabilità e ottimizzazione delle prestazioni, sono state introdotte molteplici funzionalità. Le release notes descrivono le nuove funzionalità e forniscono informazioni per la procedura di aggiornamento, per maggiori dettagli potete visualizzarle sulle pagine del nostro sito web aziendale.
After my graduation in Applied Computer Science at the Free University of Bolzano I decided to start my professional career outside the province. With a bit of good timing and good luck I went into the booming IT-Dept. of Geox in the shoe district of Montebelluna, where I realized how a big IT infrastructure has to grow and adapt to quickly changing requirements. During this experience I had also the nice possibility to travel the world, while setting up the various production and retail areas of this company. Arrived at Würth Phoenix I started developing on our monitoring solution NetEye. Today, in my position as Consulting an Project Manager I am continuously heading to implement our solutions to meet the expectation of your enterprise customers.
Tags: 3.11, 5.2, EriZone, NetEye, release notes