Blog Entries

06. 09. 2017 Sandro Santinato Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated Package neteye-base-3.11.4-1 (for NetEye 3.11)

ChangeLog: Fixed bug where NetEye-virtual-ip setting should be one of the first action in the init script (NB-25) Fixed bug where neteye-serivce-watchdog does not restart the eventhandler in some cases (NB-61) Removed ‘elasticsearch stop’ from neteye rc script (NB-59) Fixed bug where the NetEye init script should start first InfluxDB and then Nfsen (NB-67)

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01. 09. 2017 Patrick Zambelli NetEye

Release Notes: NetEye 3.11 e EriZone 5.2!

Siamo lieti di annunciare il rilascio delle nuove minor release delle nostre soluzioni di IT System & Service Management NetEye e EriZone. Oltre ad importanti miglioramenti, soprattutto in ambito di stabilità e ottimizzazione delle prestazioni, sono state introdotte molteplici funzionalità. Le release notes descrivono le nuove funzionalità e forniscono informazioni per la procedura di aggiornamento,  per maggiori…

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01. 09. 2017 Patrick Zambelli Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye, Service Management

NetEye 3.11 and EriZone 5.2 have been released!

We are proud to announce the release of new minor versions of our IT System & Service Management solutions NetEye and EriZone. These release notes describe the new features and improvements and provide information on how to upgrade. Please find more details on our corporate webpages by clicking on the following links: Go to the official…

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01. 09. 2017 Patrick Zambelli NetEye

NetEye 3.11 und EriZone 5.2 veröffentlicht!

Wir freuen uns die Veröffentlichung der neuen Minor Releases unserer IT System & Service Management Lösungen NetEye und EriZone ankündigen zu dürfen. Neben der neuen Funktionen haben wir uns bei der Entwicklung dieser Version besonders auf die Verbesserung der Stabilität und die Erweiterung bestehender Module konzentriert. Die Release Notes beschreiben die neuen Features und Verbesserungen und beinhalten…

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