The Smith-Family is driving on the highway to arrive to their holiday destination in Italy, as a car in front of them suddenly brakes. A truck accidently has lost demolition debris and thereby almost caused a multiple-vehicle collision. Mrs. Jones is driving the car just behind the truck and as her car brakes, it simultaneously sends a message to the following vehicles. Those activate the brakes too, shift down and forward the message to the cars behind them. In this way, also the following cars can immediately react. An accident has been successfully avoided and all vehicles can go ahead. Moreover, the truck informs the highway company, who instantly sends the cleaning crew.
At the first moment, this might seem since-fiction, but it isn’t. We call it: IoT (Internet of Things).
I am personally convinced that for Information Technology this topic will become the major business opportunity of our century. Today we assume that within 2020 the number of “connected” IoT devices will increase from current 1 billion to 26 billion. [1]
Countless opportunities
Cars converging on an intersection may communicate with a centralized system that efficiently manages the traffic lights. Agricultural fields may be monitored for humidity, solar irradiation or fertilizer. Sensors on mountains may forecast avalanches and recognize mountaineers in distress. Possibilities are infinite…
IoT today
The above-mentioned examples are still up in the air, but for us at Würth Phoenix IoT is already reality. Today, thanks to the LoRA and the MQTT protocols, we are now able to manage data from different sources (sensors). But that’s not all: The collected data is elaborated, indexed, saved and graphically visualized through modern open-source tools. Thanks to the Elastic Stack and Grafana we bring IoT monitoring to the next level and enable detailed analysis to forecast problems.
The obtained results are surprising and the ideas we are working on are grand. Move with us towards the future, today!
Hi, my name is Massimiliano and I'm the youngest SI Consultant in Würth Phoneix (or my colleagues are very old).
I like: my son Edoardo (when he doesn’t cry), my pet-son Charlie, photography, mountains, linux os, open-source technology and everything I don't know.
I don't like: giving up, the blue screen of Windows, the buffering while I’m watching a movie, latecomers and fake news on internet.
I worked for the VEGA project of the European Space Agency and now I'm very happy about being landed in this company.
I'm ready to share all of my knowledge and my passion whit our customers.
Massimiliano De Luca
Hi, my name is Massimiliano and I'm the youngest SI Consultant in Würth Phoneix (or my colleagues are very old).
I like: my son Edoardo (when he doesn’t cry), my pet-son Charlie, photography, mountains, linux os, open-source technology and everything I don't know.
I don't like: giving up, the blue screen of Windows, the buffering while I’m watching a movie, latecomers and fake news on internet.
I worked for the VEGA project of the European Space Agency and now I'm very happy about being landed in this company.
I'm ready to share all of my knowledge and my passion whit our customers.
Just like last year, we had the wonderful opportunity to attend FOSDEM, the most important open source conference in Europe. This year was no exception, and among the many exciting talks, one that particularly caught my attention was Alex Stefanini’s Read More
When designing an Elasticsearch architecture, choosing the right storage is crucial. While NFS might seem like a convenient and flexible option, it comes with several pitfalls when used for hosting live Elasticsearch data (hot, warm, cold, and frozen nodes). However, Read More
When using Kibana in environments that require a proxy to reach external services, you might encounter issues with unrecognized SSL certificates. Specifically, if the proxy is exposed with its own certificate and acts as an SSL terminator, requests made by Read More
In a previous post we went through the configuration of Elastic Universal Profiling in NetEye, seeing how we can profile applications written in programming languages that do not compile to native code (for example Python, PHP, Perl, etc.) But what Read More
Elastic 8.16, which comes with NetEye 4.39, made Elastic Universal Profiling generally available for self-hosted installations. This means that NetEye SIEM installations will now be able to take advantage of the continuous profiling solution by Elastic. In this blog post Read More