01. 02. 2017 NetEye Blog Admin EriZone & OTRS, NetEye

Save the Date: NetEye & EriZone Usergroup 2017 in Nuremberg


VAG Museum St. Peter © Archiv Freunde der Nürnberg-Fürther Straßenbahn e.V.

Thursday, 23rd March 2017 from 10.00 AM – 5.30 PM

We are proud to invite our customers to the upcoming NetEye & EriZone usergoup. This year too, the main focus of the event will lie on the projects implemented at our customers’ IT environments. Take this opportunity to get to know details about the latest releases of NetEye and EriZone and to actively participate to the definition of new features.

When and Where:

  • Thursday, 23rd March 2017 from 10.00 AM – 5.30 PM
  • At the  historic tramway depot “St. Peter” in Nuremberg, our host is our valued client N-ERGIE Aktiengesellschaft >>Maps
  • Register now by simply writing an email to usergroup@wuerth-phoenix.com

Gain a foretaste of this year’s talks:

  • Exclusive: Remo Rickli, founder and chief developer of  NeDi provides insights to latest developments
  • Practical: Jochen Diener, IT-Manager at Klinikum Saarbrücken, presents the realization of the Business Service Management at his company
  • Forward-looking: Our team gives a preview on the upcoming release of NetEye 3.10 and all details around EriZone 5

Why it is worth to participate:

  • You get to know challenges mastered by other companies by using NetEye and EriZone
  • You have the opportunity to exchange information and experiences with other users
  • You get insights to the lastest features of NetEye and EriZone in connection with actual topics like IT-Security and Internet of Things
  • You actively participate in the definition of the NetEye and EriZone roadmaps
  • You have the possibility to personally meet our team
  • You participate in the visit of the historic tramway depot

Further details will be shortly published on our blog.

The participation of NetEye & EriZone Usergroup is free of charge, register now by sending an email to


We hope you can make it!

Review: NetEye & EriZone Usergroup 2016 [Article]:

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NetEye Blog Admin

NetEye Blog Admin


NetEye Blog Admin

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