Blog Entries

29. 01. 2016 NetEye Blog Admin Log Management, Log-SIEM, NetEye

NetEye Log Management on the official Elastic Blog

Thanks to the integration of the Elastic Stack to our NetEye Log Management, we established a professional relationship to Elasticsearch BV. Today we are very proud to announce that the history behind our NetEye Log Management was published on the official Elastic blog. Our business unit manager Georg Kostner, describes the market requirements, which led us to the development…

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25. 01. 2016 Sandro Santinato Real User Experience Monitoring

RUE: Neue Event-Tagging-Funktion

Wie im Artikel zur letzten Release von NetEye und NetEye Real User Experience beschrieben, haben wir mit der neuesten Version von NetEye Real User Experience, RUE 1.9, einige neue Features eingeführt. Darunter sind z.B. die Historie der Konfigurationen, die individualisierbare Zeitspanne für die Abbildung auf dem Dashboard und detailliertere Filtermöglichkeiten. Heute beschäftigen wir uns mit…

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25. 01. 2016 Sandro Santinato Real User Experience

Tag Special Events on your Baseline

As you already may know, we have introduced several new features in the version 1.9 of our Real User Experience, such as the history feature in the Configuration, the custom time periods on the dashboard and the flexible filters in Analyze. Another new and very useful feature introduced in the latest release is the event…

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25. 01. 2016 Sandro Santinato Real User Experience Monitoring

RUE: Eventi sulle baseline

Come forse già sapete, abbiamo introdotto diverse nuove funzionalità nella versione 1.9 della Real User Experience, come la funzionalità degli storici nel modulo di configurazione, la possibilità di definire periodi temporali personalizzati sulla dashboard e la flessibilità introdotta per i filtri nel modulo di analisi. Un’altra novità, molto ulile, introdotta nell’ultima versione è l’Event Tagging….

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21. 01. 2016 Thomas Forrer NetEye

Updated package logstash-1.5.4-neteye_1.1-1

ChangeLog: – init script enhancement: force kill after 20 seconds of normal shutdown process

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21. 01. 2016 Thomas Forrer NetEye

Updated package logstash-1.5.4-neteye_1.1-1

ChangeLog: – init script enhancement: force kill after 20 seconds of normal shutdown process

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21. 01. 2016 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated package logstash-1.5.4-neteye_1.1-1

ChangeLog: – init script enhancement: force kill after 20 seconds of normal shutdown process

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21. 01. 2016 Arianna Cunaccia Asset Management, EriZone & OTRS, Garante della Privacy, NetEye, Real User Experience Monitoring

Calendario di formazione 2016

È disponibile il nuovo calendario di corsi di formazione di Würth Phoenix per il 2016. I training si arricchiscono nei contenuti per approfondire le vostre competenze tecniche e professionali.

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21. 01. 2016 Arianna Cunaccia Asset Management, EriZone & OTRS, Log Auditing, NetEye, Real User Experience Monitoring

Weiterbildungskalender 2016

Der Würth Pheonix Weiterbildungskalender 2016 steht ab sofort mit überarbeiteten Inhalten zur Verfügung.

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21. 01. 2016 Arianna Cunaccia Asset Management, Log Management, NetEye, Real User Experience, Service Management

Würth Phoenix Training Calendar 2016

The new Würth Phoenix training calendar 2016 is now available. The training contents have been enriched to deepen your technical and professional skills.

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15. 01. 2016 NetEye Blog Admin Asset Management, NetEye

Automatisierung des Switch Deployments

Es gibt eine Vielzahl von Lösungen, welche eine einfache Switch-Provisionierung versprechen. Allerdings sind diese Tools meist kompliziert oder unzuverlässig oder in manchen Fällen sogar beides… Natürlich können die Geräte vor deren Installation konfiguriert werden, das kann sich jedoch kompliziert gestalten, vor allem in großen Unternehmensnetzwerken mit mehreren Standorten. Noch schwieriger wird es wenn die beauftragte Person…

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15. 01. 2016 NetEye Blog Admin Asset Management, NetEye

Automating Switch Deployment

There are a number of solutions promising simple switch provisioning. However, in reality a tool is either complicated, unreliable or even both… Of course, the device can be configured prior physical installation, but this can get complicated in an enterprise network with many remote sites. Even more so, if a contractor without network skills is…

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15. 01. 2016 NetEye Blog Admin Asset Management, NetEye

Automatic switch deployment

Ci sono diverse soluzioni che promettono di fornire una configurazione semplice degli switch. In realtà, però questi strumenti sono spesso complicati e-o inaffidabili. Sicuramente, i dispositivi possono essere configurati prima dell’installazione fisica, ma questo può diventare complicato specialmente in una rete complessa con molti siti remoti. Soprattutto anche nel caso in cui un fornitore non…

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15. 01. 2016 Luca Di Stefano NetEye, Real User Experience Monitoring

Prestazioni della rete: explicit congestion notification

Quando gli apparati di rete chiedono aiuto. Sentiamo spesso parlare di congestione della rete, forse un pò meno spesso di quali sono i meccanismi che cercano di gestirla. Il meccanismo principale per gestire la congestione (fa un pò impressione a dirlo) è il packet drop. Sì, gli apparati in difficoltà buttano pacchetti in maniera pseudo…

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15. 01. 2016 Luca Di Stefano NetEye, Real User Experience Monitoring

Netzwerk Performance: Explicit Congestion Notification

Wenn Netzwerkgeräte um Hilfe rufen. Wir sprechen sehr oft über Engpässe im Netzwerk, den Mechanismen welche versuchen diese Engpässe zu vermeiden schenken wir leider nur sehr wenig Aufmerksamkeit. Das wollen wir heute ändern. Der Hauptmechanismus zur Handhabung von Netzengpässen ist ein Packet Drop. Ja, die überlasteten Geräte lassen, scheinbar willkürlich, Pakete fallen, um Zeit (und…

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