Blog Entries

03. 02. 2016 Lukas Franceschini Downloads / Release Notes, Log-SIEM, NetEye

Updated package neteye-syslogview-elasticsearch-2.3.2-1

Changelog: – fixed: Cisco asa vpn connection filter breaks logstash config (#NSE-15)

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03. 02. 2016 Lukas Franceschini NetEye

Updated package neteye-3.6.3_3.5.1p5-1

ChangeLog: – Fixed NETEYE_EXTRA_SERVICES error in neteye init script (#NB-1)

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03. 02. 2016 Lukas Franceschini Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated package neteye-3.6.3_3.5.1p5-1

ChangeLog: – Fixed NETEYE_EXTRA_SERVICES error in neteye init script (#NB-1)

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03. 02. 2016 Lukas Franceschini NetEye

Updated package neteye-3.6.3_3.5.1p5-1

ChangeLog: – Fixed NETEYE_EXTRA_SERVICES error in neteye init script (#NB-1)

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02. 02. 2016 Juergen Vigna Uncategorized

Updated neteye-nagvis packages to version 1.8.5

The NetEye NagVis packages have been updated to the upstream bugfix release 1.8.5 this is the changelog: – update to 1.8.5 upstream – added pnp-graph-hover templates – fix clearing nagvis var cache on update

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02. 02. 2016 Juergen Vigna Uncategorized

Updated neteye-nagvis packages to version 1.8.5

The NetEye NagVis packages have been updated to the upstream bugfix release 1.8.5 this is the changelog: – update to 1.8.5 upstream – added pnp-graph-hover templates – fix clearing nagvis var cache on update

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02. 02. 2016 Juergen Vigna Downloads / Release Notes

Updated neteye-nagvis packages to version 1.8.5

The NetEye NagVis packages have been updated to the upstream bugfix release 1.8.5 this is the changelog: – update to 1.8.5 upstream – added pnp-graph-hover templates – fix clearing nagvis var cache on update

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31. 01. 2016 Sandro Santinato Uncategorized

[FOSDEM 2016] Impressioni Giorno 1

Venerdì finalmente siamo arrivati a Buxelles! Thomas, Luca ed io abbiamo iniziato il nostro viaggio diretti verso la conferenza FOSDEM 2016 all’Université Libre de Bruxelles. Il nostro principale obiettivo consiste nel migliorare le nostre competenze in vari ambiti del mondo IT e aggiornarci sulle novità del settore che ci possono aiutare nell’ottimizzare i nostri prodotti….

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31. 01. 2016 Sandro Santinato Uncategorized

[FOSDEM 2016] Impressions of Day 1

On Friday finally we arrived at Brussels! Thomas, Luca and I started our trip to visit the FOSDEM 2016 conference at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. Our aim is to improve our skills in various sectors of the IT world and to inform us about news, which can be used to improve our products at Würth Phoenix. Here…

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31. 01. 2016 Sandro Santinato Events

[FOSDEM 2016] Impressions of Day 1

On Friday finally we arrived at Brussels! Thomas, Luca and I started our trip to visit the FOSDEM 2016 conference at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. Our aim is to improve our skills in various sectors of the IT world and to inform us about news, which can be used to improve our products at Würth Phoenix. Here…

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29. 01. 2016 Benjamin Gröber Downloads / Release Notes

Nuovo rilascio di EriZone 3.5

Major Enhancements Advanced Service Dispatcher È stata introdotta per il Service Dispacther una nuova modalità avanzata “Advanced”. Molte funzionalità sono state aggiunte per offrire la possibilità di filtrare e di prendere il controllo sull’esecuzione dell’ordine. Questo permette di avere il minimo numero di Service Dispatcher per ogni ambiente. Filtraggio Filtri in base al valore di…

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29. 01. 2016 Benjamin Gröber Downloads / Release Notes

EriZone 3.5 steht ab sofort zur Verfügung!

Major Enhancements Advanced Service Dispatcher Das allseits beliebte Service Dispatcher Modul hat einen neuen „Advanced“ Modus erhalten. Die neuen Funktionen ermöglichen nun die Anwendung gezielterer Filter und die Kontrolle über die Ausführungsreihenfolge. Damit wird es möglich für jede Installation die minimale Anzahl an Service Dispatchern zu erreichen. Filter Anhand des Wertes eines bestimmten Dynamic Fields…

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29. 01. 2016 Benjamin Gröber Service Management

EriZone 3.5 Has Been Released!

Major Enhancements Advanced Service Dispatcher The well-liked Service Dispatcher has got a new ‘Advanced’ mode. Several features have been added to enable finer filtering and allowing to take control over the execution order. This allows having the minimal possible amount of Service Dispatchers for every environment. Filtering Filtering by the value of a specified Dynamic…

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29. 01. 2016 NetEye Blog Admin NetEye

NetEye Log Management sul blog ufficiale di Elastic

Grazie all’integrazione di Elastic Stack all’interno del Log Management in NetEye, siamo riusciti a creare una stretta collaborazione con Elasticsearch BV. Oggi siamo orgogliosi di annunciare che l’intera storia che spiega le principali motivazioni della nostra scelta e dello sviluppo del Log Management in NetEye è stata pubblicata sul blog ufficiale di Elastic. Il nostro…

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29. 01. 2016 NetEye Blog Admin NetEye

NetEye Log Management auf dem offiziellen Elastic Blog

Durch die Integration des Elastic Stack in unser NetEye Log Management, konnten wir eine gute Beziehung zur Elasticsearch BV aufbauen. Heute freut es mich besonders, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass die Geschichte rund um das NetEye Log Management auf dem offiziellen Elastic Blog veröffentlicht wurde. Unser Business Unit Manager Georg Kostner, beschreibt darin die Marktanforderungen, welche…

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