Blog Entries

01. 06. 2016 Sandro Santinato Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated Package application-latency-web-1.9.2-1

ChangeLog: Fixed bug where configuration value’s text field should not be shown in stable environments (RUEF-171) Fixed bug where it was no more possible to delete configuration items of type “globals” (RUEF-170) Fixed bug in reporting where by hiding a baseline all graphs disappeard (RUEF-169) Fixed bug where the formatted export of configuration table failed…

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01. 06. 2016 Sandro Santinato NetEye

Updated Package application-latency-web-1.9.2-1

ChangeLog: Fixed bug where configuration value’s text field should not be shown in stable environments (RUEF-171) Fixed bug where it was no more possible to delete configuration items of type “globals” (RUEF-170) Fixed bug in reporting where by hiding a baseline all graphs disappeard (RUEF-169) Fixed bug where the formatted export of configuration table failed…

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01. 06. 2016 Sandro Santinato NetEye

Updated Package application-latency-loader-1.9.3-1

ChangeLog: Fixed bug where it was no more possible to delete configuration items of type “globals” (RUEB-81) Fixed bug in getting the type when creating a new baseline (RUEB-83) Fixed bug where machine learning files should not be deleted by the rrd-cleanup script (RUEB-72) Change webApi for unittests so that it returns IDs of newly…

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01. 06. 2016 Sandro Santinato NetEye

Updated Package application-latency-loader-1.9.3-1

ChangeLog: Fixed bug where it was no more possible to delete configuration items of type “globals” (RUEB-81) Fixed bug in getting the type when creating a new baseline (RUEB-83) Fixed bug where machine learning files should not be deleted by the rrd-cleanup script (RUEB-72) Change webApi for unittests so that it returns IDs of newly…

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01. 06. 2016 Sandro Santinato Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated Package application-latency-loader-1.9.3-1

ChangeLog: Fixed bug where it was no more possible to delete configuration items of type “globals” (RUEB-81) Fixed bug in getting the type when creating a new baseline (RUEB-83) Fixed bug where machine learning files should not be deleted by the rrd-cleanup script (RUEB-72) Change webApi for unittests so that it returns IDs of newly…

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24. 05. 2016 NetEye Blog Admin EriZone & OTRS, NetEye

Retrospettiva: Prima edizione del NetEye & EriZone Usergroup in Germania

La prima edizione tedesca dello usergoup di NetEye ed EriZone è stata un successo. Numerosi clienti sono giunti a Ludwigsburg per partecipare all’evento tenutosi presso il nostro cliente HAHN+KOLB. Lo scopo principale dello usergroup non è solo informare i clienti sui nuovi prodotti e piani d’azione ma anche, e soprattutto, poter avere un contatto diretto…

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24. 05. 2016 NetEye Blog Admin EriZone & OTRS, NetEye

Rückblick: NetEye & EriZone Usergroup 2016

Wir blicken auf eine erfolgreiche, erste deutsche Ausgabe der NetEye und EriZone Usergroup zurück. Zahlreiche Kunden haben sich auf den Weg nach Ludwigsburg gemacht, um im Hause unseres Gastgebers, der HAHN+KOLB Werkzeuge GmbH, an unserer Veranstaltung teilzunehmen. Produktneuheiten, Roadmaps und vor allem der direkte Austausch zwischen den Anwendern standen dabei im Mittelpunkt.

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24. 05. 2016 NetEye Blog Admin NetEye, Service Management

Review: German Edition of our NetEye & EriZone Usergoup 2016

We can look back on a successful, first German edition of the NetEye and EriZone usergroup. Numerous customers came to Ludwigsburg, to join our event hosted by our valued customer HAHN+KOLB. News about our products, roadmaps and not at least, the direct exchange among end users were the main focus of the usergroup.

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06. 05. 2016 MarinovMihail Downloads / Release Notes

EriZone 3.5.2 è stato rilasciato!

Enhancements Nuovi filtri postmaster per unknown email: è possibile assegnare un ID cliente per email unkonwn in base alle configurazioni di sistema. Come opzione si potrebbe anche creare un nuovo cliente per questo tipo di email. È ora disponibile anche una nuova transition action che abilita il processo ticket di copiatura dei valori dei campi dinamici.

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06. 05. 2016 MarinovMihail Downloads / Release Notes, Service Management

EriZone 3.5.2 Has Been Released!

Enhancements New postmaster filter for unknown emails: it is possible to assign a CustomerID for unknown emails based on the email domain, and fully configurable. Optionally, also a new customer could be created representing this email address. New Transition action that enables process tickets to copy dynamic field values to a child and back is…

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06. 05. 2016 MarinovMihail Downloads / Release Notes

EriZone 3.5.2 Has Been Released!

Enhancements Neuer Postmaster Filter für unbekannte E-Mails: Es ist nun möglich, E-Mails von nicht registrierten Kunden einer Customer Company zuzuweisen, basierend auf der E-Mail-Domain. Dies ist voll konfigurierbar, auch mit einer Standard-Company. Alternativ kann für unbekannte E-Mails auch ein neuer Kunde angelegt werden. Neue Transition Action, welche es Prozesstickets ermöglicht die Werte dynamischer Felder in…

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06. 05. 2016 Sandro Santinato NetEye

Updated Package neteye-reporting-3.3.0-2

ChangeLog: fixed neteye-api dependency in spec file

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06. 05. 2016 Sandro Santinato Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated Package neteye-reporting-3.3.0-2

ChangeLog: fixed neteye-api dependency in spec file

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06. 05. 2016 Sandro Santinato NetEye

Updated Package neteye-reporting-3.3.0-2

ChangeLog: fixed neteye-api dependency in spec file

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06. 05. 2016 Sandro Santinato NetEye

Updated package neteye-reporting-3.3.0-1

ChangeLog: added possibility to export availability data to .json file on creation (NEREP-59)

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