Rsyslog open FileHandler control with SyslogView 2.1.8
To keep the number of open TCP connections of the Log Auditing server under control, the SyslogView version 2.1.8 contains a control in the daily archiviation script, to check the number of currently open connections.
This issue could be found in particular situations, where SAFED or other Audit agents might send across a routing device from another network. If those connections are not closed properly, the number of pending connections grows, till reaching a limit of the server. Therefore this issue sould be considered in those situations and appear only in very specific situations.
This new version contains now a control of the number of open FH. If the number of suggested 1024 unclosed connections is exceeded, the HUP operation on the Rsyslog service, makes sure, to close not needed pending connections. An additional parameter ( -F ) in the verifies this conditions. This parameter is activated automatically in the SyslogView’s cron job, and alerts automatically into your NetEye monitoring environment.
An additional template of the rsyslog.conf configuration file is stored in the includes folder of the syslogview installation folder (/var/lib/neteye/syslogview/).
After my graduation in Applied Computer Science at the Free University of Bolzano I decided to start my professional career outside the province. With a bit of good timing and good luck I went into the booming IT-Dept. of Geox in the shoe district of Montebelluna, where I realized how a big IT infrastructure has to grow and adapt to quickly changing requirements. During this experience I had also the nice possibility to travel the world, while setting up the various production and retail areas of this company. Arrived at Würth Phoenix I started developing on our monitoring solution NetEye. Today, in my position as Consulting an Project Manager I am continuously heading to implement our solutions to meet the expectation of your enterprise customers.
Patrick Zambelli
After my graduation in Applied Computer Science at the Free University of Bolzano I decided to start my professional career outside the province. With a bit of good timing and good luck I went into the booming IT-Dept. of Geox in the shoe district of Montebelluna, where I realized how a big IT infrastructure has to grow and adapt to quickly changing requirements. During this experience I had also the nice possibility to travel the world, while setting up the various production and retail areas of this company. Arrived at Würth Phoenix I started developing on our monitoring solution NetEye. Today, in my position as Consulting an Project Manager I am continuously heading to implement our solutions to meet the expectation of your enterprise customers.