Blog Entries

13. 10. 2014 Sandro Santinato NetEye, Real User Experience

RUE: Integration with LDAP

A new feature since version 1.8 of the “Real User Experience” (RUE) is the integration with your LDAP server, which helps you associating network requests to specific users. This is possible if you are monitoring services like the Microsoft Outlook WebApp, where the AD (Active Directory) username is part of the request. In this way…

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10. 10. 2014 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Update of nagios-plugins package to version 1.4.16-7

– Fix check_snmp Multiplier conversion which did not see negative values or was not used when not having warning/critical values

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10. 10. 2014 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Update of nagios-plugins package to version 1.4.16-7

– Fix check_snmp Multiplier conversion which did not see negative values or was not used when not having warning/critical values

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10. 10. 2014 Juergen Vigna NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Update of nagios-plugins package to version 1.4.16-7

– Fix check_snmp Multiplier conversion which did not see negative values or was not used when not having warning/critical values

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09. 10. 2014 Thomas Forrer NetEye

NetEye: Neues MySQL Audit Plugin für Syslog View

In Standard MySQL Setups werden die An- und Abmeldungen der Benutzer durch die Aktivierung des “general_log” Logfiles aufgezeichnet. Dies führt zur Aufzeichnung ALLER SQL-Statements. Bei hohen Auslastungen kann dies natürlich zu Einschränkungen der Performance führen. Um solche Leistungsverringerungen zu vermeiden, haben wir Syslog View von NetEye um ein neues MySQL Audit Plugin erweitert.

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09. 10. 2014 Thomas Forrer NetEye

NetEye: Nuovo Plugin MySQL Audit per SyslogView

In un installazione standard di MySQL il logging degli accessi avviene tramite l’attivazione del “general_log”, il quale forza a loggare qualsiasi attivita’ al processo MySQL. Come si puo’ immaginare, questo comporta un degrado delle performance generali del database nei momenti di maggiore utilizzo. Per ovviare a questi problemi di performance abbiamo pacchettizzato un plugin nativo per…

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09. 10. 2014 Thomas Forrer Log Management, NetEye

NetEye: New MySQL Audit Plugin for SyslogView

In a standard MySQL setup, the logging of user logins/logouts is done by enabling the “general_log” logfile, which forces the MySQL process to log EVERYTHING. This can clearly produce bad performances under heavy load. To avoid such performance restrictions we added a new MySQL Audit Plugin to the Syslog View of NetEye.

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08. 10. 2014 Sandro Santinato NetEye, Real User Experience Monitoring

Esportare rapporti tramite linea di comando

Fin ora l’esportazione di rapporti in formato csv era possibile solo mediante l’interfaccia web della “Real User Experience” (RUE). Non era quindi possibile programmare/fissare la creazioni di rapporti per un momento predeterminato. Per soddisfare le esigenze dei nostri clienti abbiamo aggiunto un feature nuovo alla nostra soluzione “Real User Experience”, che permette l’esportazione di rapporti…

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08. 10. 2014 Sandro Santinato NetEye, Real User Experience

Export/Schedule Reports using Command Line

So far exporting reports in CSV format was only possible through the web UI of the “Real User Experience” (RUE). Therefore scheduling report creation wasn’t possible. Now we added a new feature in the “Real User Experience”, which allows you to export reports using the command line. In this way you are able to schedule…

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08. 10. 2014 Sandro Santinato NetEye, Real User Experience Monitoring

Einfaches Exportieren von Reports über die Kommandozeile

Bis jetzt konnten Reports in CSV-Format nur über die Weboberfläche der “Real User Experience” (kurz RUE) exportiert werden. Die automatische Erstellung von Reports in Hinsicht auf einen vordefinierten Zeitpunkt war also nicht möglich. Nun haben wir ein neues Feature in RUE eingebaut, welches Ihnen erlaubt Reports über die Kommandozeile zu exportieren. Somit ist es nun…

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02. 10. 2014 Thomas Forrer NetEye

NetEye: Integration Elasticsearch/Logstash/Kibana

Wahrscheinlich haben Sie bereits von Elasticsearch und den umfassenden Möglichkeiten welche von diesem Open Source Projekt geboten werden, gehört. Die auf Lucene basierende Full-Text Search Engine, bietet eine RESTful Weboberfläche und schema-free JSON Dokumente. Um die von NetEye gesammelten Logs besser veranschaulichen zu können haben wir drei Open Source Projekte, nämlich Logstash, Elasticsearch und Kibana…

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02. 10. 2014 Thomas Forrer Log Management, Log-SIEM, NetEye

NetEye: Integration Logstash/Elasticsearch/Kibana

You probably already heard about Elasticsearch and its potential. Elasticsearch is a full-text search engine based on Lucene. It provides a RESTful web interface and schema-free JSON documents. To be able to better display logs collected by NetEye, we integrated three open source projects: Logstash, Elasticsearch and Kibana. Logstash parses logs and submits them to Elasticsearch, which saves them…

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02. 10. 2014 Thomas Forrer NetEye

NetEye: Integrazione Logstash/Elasticsearch/Kibana

Per migliorare la visualizzazione dei log raccolti da NetEye abbiamo integrato tre progetti open source: Logstash, Elasticsearch e Kibana. Logstash legge ed analizza i log raccolti da NetEye e li trasmette ad Elasticsearch (una full-text search engine basata su Lucene che mette a disposizione un’interfaccia web RESTful e documenti schema-free JSON) che li salva come…

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29. 09. 2014 NetEye Blog Admin EriZone & OTRS, NetEye, Non categorizzato

Würth Phoenix allo SMAU

Dal 22 al 24 ottobre presso lo SMAU di Milano Würth Phoenix presenterà le proprie novità software

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26. 09. 2014 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Package bash-3.2-33.el5.1 released fixing security bug (ShellShock CVE-2014-7169)

The updated package bash-3.2-33.el5.1 is now available in our stable repository. You can now safely update the bash executable using the following commands: # yum clean all # yum update bash

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