27. 11. 2014 Thomas Forrer NetEye

NagMap: New Features

To increase the usability within NagMap, we’ve implemented two new features for the new version 3.5 of NetEye.

Adding a new host directly on the map

In order to map a host in NagMap, until now you had to discover the coordinates of your host and subsequently insert them in Monarch. The new feature allows you to do this much more quickly. Just zoom in on the map and do a right-click on the desired position. Hereby a dropdown menu opens, from which you can select the host to be displayed on the map.

NagMap: Add new Host - NetEye

Linking nodes

Moreover, the new version allows you to link hosts, no matter in which relation they are (until now it was just possible to link parent hosts with their child hosts). Through a mouseover on the line connecting the hosts,  a tooltip appears showing PNP grafics concerning the visualized/selected services. This feature was implemented for those who need to show for example graphics on the bandwith usage between two routers.

NagMap: Service Details - NetEye

The color of the line depends on the overall (worst) status of the services. To do the configuration of the services, which should be shown in the tooltip you have to use the new Wizard within the NetEye Configuration (Monarch).

NagMap: Wizard in NetEye

Thomas Forrer

Thomas Forrer

Team Leader Research & Development at Würth Phoenix
Hi folks! I began loving computer since 1994, it was still the time of windows 3.1. Immediately I learned starting DOS games from the command promt, and while typing some white text on black background I felt like some hackish dude in a hollywoodian movie. Later during the studies at the university, I discovered the magic world of opensource, and it was love at first sight. Finally I got rid of BSOD's =) I love everything that is connected to some network, especially in a security perspective. My motto is: "With motivation, nothing is impossibile. It only requires more time."


Thomas Forrer

Hi folks! I began loving computer since 1994, it was still the time of windows 3.1. Immediately I learned starting DOS games from the command promt, and while typing some white text on black background I felt like some hackish dude in a hollywoodian movie. Later during the studies at the university, I discovered the magic world of opensource, and it was love at first sight. Finally I got rid of BSOD's =) I love everything that is connected to some network, especially in a security perspective. My motto is: "With motivation, nothing is impossibile. It only requires more time."

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