13. 10. 2014 Sandro Santinato NetEye, Real User Experience Monitoring

RUE: Integrazione con LDAP

La versione 1.8 della nostra “Real User Experience” (RUE) contiene una nuova  funzionalità che permette l’integrazione con il vostro LDAP server . Tramite detta funzionalità le singole richieste di rete possono essere associate all’utente che effettua la richiesta e sarete in grado di identificare facilmente l’utente che avverte eventuali problemi di utilizzo di un servizio. Questo é possibile se effettuate il monitoraggio di servizi come ad esempio Microsoft Outlook WebApp, dove il nome dell’utente AD (Active Directory) é parte integrante della richiesta.

Cliccando su una richiesta di rete, apparirà un riquadro che visualizza le informazioni dettagliate sull’utente richiedente:

NetEye Real User Experience: User Information Tooltip

Lista di richieste di rete tramite Microsoft Outlook WebApp e informazioni dettagliate sull’utente richiedente

Le informazioni sull’utente richiedente possono essere visualizzate anche all’interno della funzionalità di geolocalizzazione della “Real User Experience”:

NetEye Real User Experience: User Information nella Map Functionality

Informazioni sull’utente richiedente su carta geografica

Per l’integrazione della “Real User Experience” con i servizi LDAP, dovete aggiungere i seguenti parametri al file di configurazione al.conf:

  • LDAP_USER=xxx
  • LDAP_BIND=xxx
  • LDAP_PORT=3268
  • LDAP_FILTER=”(&(objectClass=user)(samaccountname={user}))”
  • LDAP_ATTRS= cn,displayname,telephonenumber,description,department,thumbnailphoto,mail
Sandro Santinato

Sandro Santinato

Developer at Würth Phoenix
Hi, my name is Sandro and I am the youngest member of the Neteye team. I graduated in 2013 in Applied Computer Science at the Free University of Bolzano but I started working as software engineer at Würth-Phoenix already in May 2012. My main competence is the development and improvement of the “Real User Experience” solution.For me computer programming is not just work, but i like scripting and creating my own software also in my free time. Already as a child I was amazed by computers and their technology. So at the age of 12 I bought the book “C for dummies” and started learning programming on my own 🙂 Later on I discovered the open-source world and I started loving it from the first moment.In my free time I also like mountain biking, hiking, and of course playing the trombone in various music bands.


Sandro Santinato

Hi, my name is Sandro and I am the youngest member of the Neteye team. I graduated in 2013 in Applied Computer Science at the Free University of Bolzano but I started working as software engineer at Würth-Phoenix already in May 2012. My main competence is the development and improvement of the “Real User Experience” solution.For me computer programming is not just work, but i like scripting and creating my own software also in my free time. Already as a child I was amazed by computers and their technology. So at the age of 12 I bought the book “C for dummies” and started learning programming on my own :-) Later on I discovered the open-source world and I started loving it from the first moment.In my free time I also like mountain biking, hiking, and of course playing the trombone in various music bands.

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