This tecnical documentation should highlight an issue you may find when monitoring a Drive on a Windows machine. The value of occupied space is reported as perfdata and interpreted by the perfgraph. The result is a graph showing the occupational situation of the partition.
The issue I am describing, may occur when the partition grows or shrinks and the monitoring agent NSClient++ ( ) used for NetEye changes the unit from i.e. GB to TB.
A graph would look like this, where in some moments the partion is occupied by more than 1024 GB and the returned value ( by the agent ) “shrinks” to 1.00 with unit TB.
This problem has been solved in the NSClient++ version 4.1 with the introduction of the parameter “perf-unit” , that allows to define a fixed unit value to use.
To fix the unit to Gigabyte make use of the parameter: perf-unit=G
In the given Example the output of a small disk of 536 MB used is fixed to GB unit and the resulting output is given as 0.52 GB used.
Introducing the parameter perf-unit=G the unit is changed for the performance data:
Additional Information for the migration from NSClient++ v. 3.9 to 4.1:
First you should stop the old agent and uninstall the service from CMD … and schedule a downtime in NetEye 😉
c:\> nsclient++.exe -stop
c:\> nsclient++.exe -uninstall
Then backup the old NetEyeNSClient++ Folder and copy the new version:
Now the installation and the start of the service is done following these commands:
c:\> nscp service –install
c:\> nscp service –start
With the NetEye solution a version of the agent is provided in the NetEyeShare, where a .bat file solves the installation with these commands for you.
Related Information to the Issue description: