Blog Entries

12. 05. 2014 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Updated neteye-plugins package version 1.9.2

The NetEye Plugins package has been updated with this fixes: – Fix check_perfdata for multiple RRD’s mode of PNP – Add Used CPU option to

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12. 05. 2014 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Updated neteye-plugins package version 1.9.2

The NetEye Plugins package has been updated with this fixes: – Fix check_perfdata for multiple RRD’s mode of PNP – Add Used CPU option to

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12. 05. 2014 Juergen Vigna Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated neteye-plugins package version 1.9.2

The NetEye Plugins package has been updated with this fixes: – Fix check_perfdata for multiple RRD’s mode of PNP – Add Used CPU option to

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08. 05. 2014 Arianna Cunaccia NetEye

NetEye e EriZone alla Open Source Conference di Padova

Si è conclusa ieri la Open Source Conference di Padova a cui abbiamo partecipato in qualità di espositori. Andrea, durante il suo intervento, ha delineato i punti di forza di una strategia Open Source per la gestione dei servizi informatici attraverso l’adozione di NetEye e EriZone. Le soluzioni di IT System & Service Management presentate…

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08. 05. 2014 Arianna Cunaccia NetEye

NetEye e EriZone alla Open Source Conference di Padova

Si è conclusa ieri la Open Source Conference di Padova a cui abbiamo partecipato in qualità di espositori. Andrea, durante il suo intervento, ha delineato i punti di forza di una strategia Open Source per la gestione dei servizi informatici attraverso l’adozione di NetEye e EriZone. Le soluzioni di IT System & Service Management presentate…

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08. 05. 2014 Arianna Cunaccia Events, NetEye, Service Management

NetEye and EriZone at the Open Source Conference in Padua

Yesterday we took part in the Open Source Conference held in Padua. Andrea, during his speech, outlined the strengths of an Open Source strategy for the IT services management through the adoption of NetEye and EriZone. The IT System & Service Management solutions presented during the event represent a real opportunity for the evolution of…

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07. 05. 2014 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated package neteye-monarch-3.6.0-1

ChangeLog: – Service Clone Tool: added host filters – Service Clone Tool: Now hosts that already have a service with such name are not displayed in the list

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07. 05. 2014 Thomas Forrer NetEye

Updated package neteye-monarch-3.6.0-1

ChangeLog: – Service Clone Tool: added host filters – Service Clone Tool: Now hosts that already have a service with such name are not displayed in the list

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07. 05. 2014 Thomas Forrer NetEye

Updated package neteye-monarch-3.6.0-1

ChangeLog: – Service Clone Tool: added host filters – Service Clone Tool: Now hosts that already have a service with such name are not displayed in the list

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06. 05. 2014 Luca Di Stefano Real User Experience Monitoring

Real User Experience – TCP Plugin

Fino ad oggi la Real User Experience era in grado di visualizzare indicatori di performance legati ai soli applicativi che fanno uso del protocollo http/https. Il nuovo plugin tcp permette di visualizzare KPI anche per tutti gli applicativi che fanno uso del protocollo tcp con un modello client request/server response: Il plugin riesce quindi ad…

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06. 05. 2014 Luca Di Stefano Real User Experience Monitoring

Neues TCP Plugin für RUE

Letzthin war die Real User Experience in der Lage die KPI  von Anwendungen, welche das Protokoll http/https verwenden, zu messen. Das neue TCP Plugin ermöglicht nun, mittels eines client request/server response Kommunikationsmodels, die KPI der TCP Kommunikation darzustellen. Das neue Plugin ist in der Lage die Informationen unabhängig vom im Layer 7 implementierten Anwendungsprotokoll zu…

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06. 05. 2014 Luca Di Stefano Real User Experience, Unified Monitoring

Real User Experience – TCP Plugin

Until now, the NetEye Real User Experience was able to view the key performance indicators linked only to those applications that are using the http / https protocols. The new TCP plugin allows to display KPI for all the applications that use the TCP protocol with a client request / server response model: The plugin…

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06. 05. 2014 Arianna Cunaccia EriZone & OTRS, NetEye

Open Source Conference Padova – 7 maggio 2014

Domani Würth Phoenix sarà presente alla Open Source Conference di Padova, presso lo Sheraton Hotel, con un intervento sull’Open Source Service Management come asset strategico per migliorare l’efficienza IT nelle aziende. Al convegno verranno forniti casi concreti di come e perché l’Open Source rappresenta un’opportunità per fare evolvere l’ICT in azienda. Andrea di Lernia presenterà…

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