Blog Entries

09. 10. 2013 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Updated nagios-plugins package to version 1.4.16-5.neteye

This version has the following changelog: – Reapply NTLM support was missing in last version (BUG) – Add –multiplier support to check_snmp plugin

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09. 10. 2013 Juergen Vigna Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated nagios-plugins package to version 1.4.16-5.neteye

This version has the following changelog: – Reapply NTLM support was missing in last version (BUG) – Add –multiplier support to check_snmp plugin

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09. 10. 2013 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Updated nagios-plugins package to version 1.4.16-5.neteye

This version has the following changelog: – Reapply NTLM support was missing in last version (BUG) – Add –multiplier support to check_snmp plugin

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09. 10. 2013 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Updated neteye-thruk packages version 1.76

The NetEye Thruk packages have been updated with the following changes: – Updated to the new upstream fix version 1.76 – Fixed NetEye Theme – Fixed starting/stopping Thruk cronjobs with the neteye service (especially for correct NetEye Cluster behaviour)

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09. 10. 2013 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Updated neteye-thruk packages version 1.76

The NetEye Thruk packages have been updated with the following changes: – Updated to the new upstream fix version 1.76 – Fixed NetEye Theme – Fixed starting/stopping Thruk cronjobs with the neteye service (especially for correct NetEye Cluster behaviour)

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09. 10. 2013 Juergen Vigna Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated neteye-thruk packages version 1.76

The NetEye Thruk packages have been updated with the following changes: – Updated to the new upstream fix version 1.76 – Fixed NetEye Theme – Fixed starting/stopping Thruk cronjobs with the neteye service (especially for correct NetEye Cluster behaviour)

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08. 10. 2013 NetEye Blog Admin NetEye

Reger Kundenaustausch bei der vierten Ausgabe der NetEye User Group

Großen Anklang bei unseren Kunden fand vorige Woche die vierte Ausgabe der NetEye User Group. Als Kommunikations- plattform mit dem Ziel des Austausches von Praxiserfahrungen und konkreten Einsatzbereichen erwies sich die jährlich stattfindende Veranstaltung als mittlerweile beliebter Anwender-Treffpunkt. Gastgeber Cineca präsentierte dabei den Einsatz von NetEye vor dem Hintergrund einer umfassenden Überwachungsstrategie in einer hochkomplexen…

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08. 10. 2013 Arianna Cunaccia NetEye

Scambio di esperienze alla quarta edizione del NetEye User Group

Lo scorso 2 ottobre a Bologna si è svolta la quarta edizione dello User Group dedicato a NetEye e OTRS. Scopo principale dell’evento è stato quello di offrire la possibilità agli utenti di confrontarsi e di raccogliere nuove proposte di miglioramento per le nostre soluzioni. Cineca, che ha ospitato l’evento, ha aperto la giornata esponendo…

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08. 10. 2013 Arianna Cunaccia Events, NetEye, Service Management

Customer experience sharing at the fourth edition of the NetEye User Group

The fourth edition of the NetEye User Group has been held last week in Bologna. The event, with the aim of experience exchanging on specific application areas, proved to become an important meeting occasion for the users. Cineca, who hosted the User Group, presented the introduction of NetEye for a comprehensive monitoring strategy in a…

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01. 10. 2013 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Updated neteye-reporting package version 1.2.3-1

A small bugfix has been included in this package showing only on some NetEye Cluster installations, where the cronjobs should not be called on the passive node.

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01. 10. 2013 Juergen Vigna Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated neteye-reporting package version 1.2.3-1

A small bugfix has been included in this package showing only on some NetEye Cluster installations, where the cronjobs should not be called on the passive node.

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01. 10. 2013 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Updated neteye-reporting package version 1.2.3-1

A small bugfix has been included in this package showing only on some NetEye Cluster installations, where the cronjobs should not be called on the passive node.

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01. 10. 2013 Georg Kostner NetEye

Automazione del processo di configurazioni di Monarch

Aggiungere singolarmente nuovi host in Monarch con le rispettive informazioni come l’indirizzo, il sistema operativo o il profilo, richiede meno di un minuto ma nel momento in cui si devono svolgere tutte le configurazioni per diverse centinaia di host questa operazione potrà ovviamente richiederne oltre 100. Per snellire il processo di configurazione esiste l’import di…

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01. 10. 2013 Georg Kostner NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Automation of the Monarch configuration process

Adding new hosts individually in Monarch with their information such as address, operating system or profile can take less than a minute. In the initial phase of a NetEye project, however, when you have to set up all the configurations for hundreds of hosts this operation may require more than hundreds of minutes. To speed…

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01. 10. 2013 Georg Kostner NetEye

Automation of the Monarch configuration process

Adding new hosts individually in Monarch with their information such as address, operating system or profile can take less than a minute. In the initial phase of a NetEye project, however, when you have to set up all the configurations for hundreds of hosts this operation may require more than hundreds of minutes. To speed…

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