Blog Entries

28. 10. 2013 NetEye Blog Admin Asset Management, NetEye

Rack management with GLPI

Have you ever had the need to manage in your inventory the location and the content of your racks? The plugin Bays Management for GLPI can also be adopted to meet this need. With the plugin it is possible to create and manage your rack and to locate the various components. In this way it is…

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28. 10. 2013 NetEye Blog Admin Asset Management, NetEye

Rack management with GLPI

Have you ever had the need to manage in your inventory the location and the content of your racks? The plugin Bays Management for GLPI can also be adopted to meet this need. With the plugin it is possible to create and manage your rack and to locate the various components. In this way it is…

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24. 10. 2013 Arianna Cunaccia NetEye, Real User Experience Monitoring

Al’exa e NetEye alla Open Source Monitoring Conference

Georg ha presentato le potenzialità di Al’exa e i benefici dell’integrazione con NetEye alla OSMC (Open Source Monitoring Conference), che si è svolta a Norimberga dal 22 al 24 ottobre. L’approccio di monitoraggio di end user experience fornito da Al’exa consente di monitorare qualsiasi applicativo anche per esempio quelli pubblicati via Citrix e Terminal Server,…

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24. 10. 2013 Arianna Cunaccia Events, NetEye, Real User Experience

Al’exa and NetEye at the Open Source Monitoring Conference

Georg has presented the potentiality of Al’exa and the benefits of the integration with NetEye at the OSMC (Open Source Monitoring Conference), which was held in Nuremberg, 22 – 24 October. The end user experience monitoring approach provided by Al’exa allows to monitor the availability and reliability of any applications also published via Citrix and…

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24. 10. 2013 Arianna Cunaccia NetEye, Real User Experience Monitoring

Al’exa and NetEye at the Open Source Monitoring Conference

Georg has presented the potentiality of Al’exa and the benefits of the integration with NetEye at the OSMC (Open Source Monitoring Conference), which was held in Nuremberg, 22 – 24 October. The end user experience monitoring approach provided by Al’exa allows to monitor the availability and reliability of any applications also published via Citrix and…

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22. 10. 2013 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Updated neteye-thruk packages version 1.76.3-2

When activating the thruk mysql cache it happened that searches for events from the Thruk Frontend went in Timeout. This updated package adds a higher default timeout value for the fcgi connections to the MySQL DB.

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22. 10. 2013 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Updated neteye-thruk packages version 1.76.3-2

When activating the thruk mysql cache it happened that searches for events from the Thruk Frontend went in Timeout. This updated package adds a higher default timeout value for the fcgi connections to the MySQL DB.

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22. 10. 2013 Juergen Vigna Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated neteye-thruk packages version 1.76.3-2

When activating the thruk mysql cache it happened that searches for events from the Thruk Frontend went in Timeout. This updated package adds a higher default timeout value for the fcgi connections to the MySQL DB.

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20. 10. 2013 NetEye Blog Admin Unkategorisiert

NetEye auf der it-sa in Nürnberg

Eine Neuerung für SAP-Anwender ist dabei der aktive Überwachungsansatz durch das Open Source Projekt Al´exa.

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11. 10. 2013 Juergen Vigna Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated neteye-webinject package version 1.74.1-1

The NetEye Webinject package has been updated with a bug fix which potentially could fill up in time /var/tmp filesystem : – Small fix in script removing http.log in temporary directory

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11. 10. 2013 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Updated neteye-webinject package version 1.74.1-1

The NetEye Webinject package has been updated with a bug fix which potentially could fill up in time /var/tmp filesystem : – Small fix in script removing http.log in temporary directory

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11. 10. 2013 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Updated neteye-webinject package version 1.74.1-1

The NetEye Webinject package has been updated with a bug fix which potentially could fill up in time /var/tmp filesystem : – Small fix in script removing http.log in temporary directory

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11. 10. 2013 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Updated neteye-reporting packages version 1.2.4-1

The NetEye Reporting package has been updated with a few small bugfixes: – Fixed cronjobs and scripts to not see none and 24×7 as the same stuff – Small fix for cfg files with spaces in name – Updated phantomjs

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11. 10. 2013 Juergen Vigna Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated neteye-reporting packages version 1.2.4-1

The NetEye Reporting package has been updated with a few small bugfixes: – Fixed cronjobs and scripts to not see none and 24×7 as the same stuff – Small fix for cfg files with spaces in name – Updated phantomjs

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11. 10. 2013 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Updated neteye-reporting packages version 1.2.4-1

The NetEye Reporting package has been updated with a few small bugfixes: – Fixed cronjobs and scripts to not see none and 24×7 as the same stuff – Small fix for cfg files with spaces in name – Updated phantomjs

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