Blog Entries

12. 11. 2013 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Updated neteye-nedi package version

The NetEye NeDi package has been updated with this changes: – Added patch for ssh-keyscan multiple algorithm scan – Added patch for finding nedi log files in /var/log/neteye/nedi instead of /tmp – Updated to upstream version 1.0.8-116

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09. 11. 2013 NetEye Blog Admin NetEye, Network Traffic Monitoring, ntop, Real User Experience Monitoring

Georg und Luca auf der diesjährigen OSMC in Nürnberg

Al´exa und NetEye: Vorstellung des Projektes von Alan Pipitone diesjährigen OSMC in Nürnberg

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08. 11. 2013 Juergen Vigna Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated neteye-plugins package version 1.6.2

– Important bugfix in giving a registered on a working modem without SIM

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08. 11. 2013 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Updated neteye-plugins package version 1.6.2

– Important bugfix in giving a registered on a working modem without SIM

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08. 11. 2013 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Updated neteye-plugins package version 1.6.2

– Important bugfix in giving a registered on a working modem without SIM

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08. 11. 2013 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Updated smstools3 package version 3.1.11-8

– Fixed issue in which should not send anything with empty TEXT

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08. 11. 2013 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Updated smstools3 package version 3.1.11-8

– Fixed issue in which should not send anything with empty TEXT

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08. 11. 2013 Juergen Vigna Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated smstools3 package version 3.1.11-8

– Fixed issue in which should not send anything with empty TEXT

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08. 11. 2013 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Updated nagios-nsca package version 2.9.1

– Updated to higher upstream version fixing some problems with newer send_nsca binaries

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08. 11. 2013 Juergen Vigna Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated nagios-nsca package version 2.9.1

– Updated to higher upstream version fixing some problems with newer send_nsca binaries

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08. 11. 2013 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Updated nagios-nsca package version 2.9.1

– Updated to higher upstream version fixing some problems with newer send_nsca binaries

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06. 11. 2013 Arianna Cunaccia NetEye, Real User Experience Monitoring

NetEye alla Open Source Conference di Milano

La scorsa settimana Georg ha presentato le maggiori novità di IT Service Management offerte con NetEye alla Open Source Conference di Milano. L’intervento ha sottolineato i vantaggi forniti dal Network Traffic Monitoring con NetEye, focalizzandosi anche sulla recente integrazione con il progetto di End User Experience, Al’exa. Al’exa simula le interazioni utente per controllare la…

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06. 11. 2013 Arianna Cunaccia Events, NetEye, Real User Experience

NetEye at the Open Source Conference in Milan

Georg last week presented its enhanced IT Service Management offer with NetEye at the yearly Open Source Conference in Milan. The breakout session pointed out the advantages in implementing NetEye for the Network Traffic Monitoring and focused also on Al´exa. Al’exa, which has recently been integrated in the NetEye offer simulates the end user behavior to…

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06. 11. 2013 Arianna Cunaccia NetEye, Real User Experience Monitoring

NetEye at the Open Source Conference in Milan

Georg last week presented its enhanced IT Service Management offer with NetEye at the yearly Open Source Conference in Milan. The breakout session pointed out the advantages in implementing NetEye for the Network Traffic Monitoring and focused also on Al´exa. Al’exa, which has recently been integrated in the NetEye offer simulates the end user behavior to…

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28. 10. 2013 NetEye Blog Admin Asset Management, NetEye

Gestione dei rack con GLPI

Avete mai avuto la necessità di mappare nel vostro inventario la posizione e il contenuto dei vostri rack? Il plugin di GLPI Bays Management può essere utilizzato per soddisfare questa esigenza. Il plugin consente di creare i rack e di gestire il posizionamento dei vari server. In questo modo sarà quindi possibile sapere quanto spazio…

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