Blog Entries

06. 12. 2013 NetEye Blog Admin Asset Management, NetEye

Virtual Machine Inventory

An IT organization today needs to have all the hardware, software and licenses information in order to negotiate with suppliers through a target strategy or to perform timely updates. A complete inventory system is therefore a must. As you may already know, NetEye provides the Inventory and Asset Management modules through the integration of GLPI…

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06. 12. 2013 NetEye Blog Admin Asset Management, NetEye

Virtual Machine Inventory

An IT organization today needs to have all the hardware, software and licenses information in order to negotiate with suppliers through a target strategy or to perform timely updates. A complete inventory system is therefore a must. As you may already know, NetEye provides the Inventory and Asset Management modules through the integration of GLPI…

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05. 12. 2013 NetEye Blog Admin NetEye Conference

Die OSSMC verspricht auch für 2014 ein hochkarätiges Vortragsprogramm

Das Datum der 6. Ausgabe der „Open Source System Management Conference“ steht fest und ist für den 10. April 2014 vorgesehen. Wir freuen uns, bereits jetzt einen ersten Einblick über die Schwerpunktthemen und bisherigen Zusagen von namhaften Referenten bekanntgeben zu dürfen. So wird neben der mittlerweile bereits zum Standardrepertoire gehörenden Pflichtsession von ntop-Gründer Luca Deri…

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02. 12. 2013 NetEye Blog Admin Real User Experience Monitoring

Al´exa: il potenziale di un progetto emergente

I sistemi di monitoraggio tradizionali misurano le prestazioni dei data center controllando I singoli componenti, ma non soffermandosi sulla disponibilità ed affidabilità dei servizi IT come vengono percepiti dall’utente finale. Con i metodi di controllo classici, anche se l’intera infrastruttura sembra funzionare correttamente, non si è in grado però di garantire le prestazioni dei vari…

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02. 12. 2013 NetEye Blog Admin Real User Experience

Al´exa: the potential of a young project

The traditional monitoring systems are measuring only the performance of single IT components, but not the reliability and availability of the IT services from the end user perspective. The classical methods of control, even if the entire infrastructure seems to work properly, are not able to guarantee the service performances as they are perceived by…

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30. 11. 2013 NetEye Blog Admin Real User Experience Monitoring

Al´exa: Ein junges Projekt mit viel Potential

Das Monitoring im herkömmlichen Rechenzentrum-Bereich misst die Performance der einzelnen IT-Komponenten, nicht jedoch die Qualität und Verfügbarkeit der IT-Services aus dem Blickwinkel des End Users. Um dies zu erreichen, bedarf es eines Ansatzes, der die horizontale Messung um eine vertikale Betrachtung im Sinne eines End to End Monitoring erweitert. Im Bereich Applikationsmonitoring existieren hierfür im…

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29. 11. 2013 MarinovMihail Uncategorized

Safed 1.6.7

The new version of Safed 1.6.7 comes with a new system administrator discovery executable based on .Net. This version is compatible with old version configurations ( < 1.6.5). Pay attention, the 1.6.6 version that came few days ago had had the same feature but when upgrading an old installation, the system admnistrator discovery configuration of…

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29. 11. 2013 MarinovMihail Uncategorized

Safed 1.6.7

The new version of Safed 1.6.7 comes with a new system administrator discovery executable based on .Net. This version is compatible with old version configurations ( < 1.6.5). Pay attention, the 1.6.6 version that came few days ago had had the same feature but when upgrading an old installation, the system admnistrator discovery configuration of…

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29. 11. 2013 MarinovMihail Downloads / Release Notes, Log Management

Safed 1.6.7

The new version of Safed 1.6.7 comes with a new system administrator discovery executable based on .Net. This version is compatible with old version configurations ( < 1.6.5). Pay attention, the 1.6.6 version that came few days ago had had the same feature but when upgrading an old installation, the system admnistrator discovery configuration of…

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26. 11. 2013 Arianna Cunaccia Non categorizzato

NetEye e OTRS al PMexpo 2013

Erano oltre 600 i partecipanti al Project Management expo 2013, organizzato da ISIPM, a cui ieri abbiamo partecipato in qualità di main sponsor. In tale occasione Georg e Andrea hanno presentato casi di approccio innovativo per l’implementazione di progetti intelligenti, attraverso esempi virtuosi di adozione di soluzioni volte a supportare l’implementazione di processi ITIL. I…

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25. 11. 2013 Patrick Zambelli NetEye

Monitoraggio di Java Application

I moderni Java application servers sono composti da costrutti complessi di servizi e business logic. Non è quindi possibile poterli monitorare attraverso sistemi convenzionali come ad esempio controllare se un processo sta girando o meno. Nei Java Application Server diversi componenti vengono raggruppati per contenere la logica e fornire l’intelligenza applicativa. Per tutti coloro che…

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25. 11. 2013 Patrick Zambelli NetEye

Java Application Monitoring

Modern Java application servers can be a complex construct of services and business logic. It is not possible to monitor them through conventional ways, like checking if a process is running. Within a Java application server multiple components are bundled together, to hold logic and provide intelligence for the application. For everyone who has some…

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25. 11. 2013 Patrick Zambelli NetEye

Java Application Monitoring

Modern Java application servers can be a complex construct of services and business logic. It is not possible to monitor them through conventional ways, like checking if a process is running. Within a Java application server multiple components are bundled together, to hold logic and provide intelligence for the application. For everyone who has some…

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22. 11. 2013 Juergen Vigna NetEye

IMPORTANT Bugfix update for neteye-configtool version 2.0.24

An IMPORTANT update for neteye-configtool has been released which fixes a missing field in the snmp_trap configuration database. In the trap_advanced table there is a missing field rule_search which was not automatically added with the earlier packages. For all customers using the SNMP Traphandler with Advanced Rule this update is a MUST HAVE.

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22. 11. 2013 Juergen Vigna NetEye

IMPORTANT Bugfix update for neteye-configtool version 2.0.24

An IMPORTANT update for neteye-configtool has been released which fixes a missing field in the snmp_trap configuration database. In the trap_advanced table there is a missing field rule_search which was not automatically added with the earlier packages. For all customers using the SNMP Traphandler with Advanced Rule this update is a MUST HAVE.

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