24. 10. 2013 Arianna Cunaccia Events, NetEye, Real User Experience

Al’exa and NetEye at the Open Source Monitoring Conference

Georg has presented the potentiality of Al’exa and the benefits of the integration with NetEye at the OSMC (Open Source Monitoring Conference), which was held in Nuremberg, 22 – 24 October.

The end user experience monitoring approach provided by Al’exa allows to monitor the availability and reliability of any applications also published via Citrix and Terminal Server, through the simulation of the user interactions. In fact, the solution identifies the application objects and the UI elements such as labels, buttons , links , combo boxes … and offers the opportunity to interact with them.

Thanks to the Al’exa IDE the test cases can be quickly created and through the integration of Python it is possible to implement complex control logic. Al’exa measures the performance data and checks the availability and reliability of the IT services as they are perceived by the users. Collected data can be additionally integrated with monitoring solutions such as WÜRTHPHOENIX NetEye , Nagios , Icinga and Shinken, allowing a further comparison with traditional metrics and benefiting from the potential of these systems, such as the reporting, the analysis and the notification feature.

If you would like more information please visit the conference website or download the presentation

Arianna Cunaccia

Arianna Cunaccia


Arianna Cunaccia

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