Blog Entries

23. 02. 2012 Andrea di Lernia NetEye

Uè ragazzi… non siam mica qui a pettinare le bambole …

Come dice Crozza nella sua parodia di Bersani questa può effettivamente essere la sensazione di un service desk che si trova a cercare di risolvere dei problemi sull’infrastruttura senza averne di fatto nessun accesso perché questo è gelosamente custodito dai sistemisti o dal supporto di secondo livello. Per venire incontro a questo tipo di esigenze…

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14. 02. 2012 NetEye Blog Admin NetEye

IT System Management: Dove l´Open Source é la chiave per il successo

Il 1° marzo a Roma Würth Phoenix, presso una conferenza sull’Open Source organizzata da Soiel, fornirà argomentazioni e best practices per rispondere alle ragioni perchè numerose aziende italiane ed internazionali hanno deciso di introdurre NetEye come soluzione di IT System Management. Il nostro intervento tratterà la seguente tematica: IT System Management: dove l´Open Source è la chiave per…

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13. 02. 2012 Patrick Zambelli Unified Monitoring

UPS Monitoring: Include of the APC MIBs

An update of the previous script for monitoring the UPS health status includes now also the APC MIB base. ( Blog article ) The monitoring features for APC include now the monitoring of the Battery capacity %, Temperature and voltage. A comparison against the settable limits in terms of input lines ( availability ) and…

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13. 02. 2012 Patrick Zambelli Uncategorized

UPS Monitoring: Include of the APC MIBs

An update of the previous script for monitoring the UPS health status includes now also the APC MIB base. ( Blog article ) The monitoring features for APC include now the monitoring of the Battery capacity %, Temperature and voltage. A comparison against the settable limits in terms of input lines ( availability ) and…

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13. 02. 2012 Patrick Zambelli Uncategorized

UPS Monitoring: Include of the APC MIBs

An update of the previous script for monitoring the UPS health status includes now also the APC MIB base. ( Blog article ) The monitoring features for APC include now the monitoring of the Battery capacity %, Temperature and voltage. A comparison against the settable limits in terms of input lines ( availability ) and…

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13. 02. 2012 Patrick Zambelli NetEye

Integration of SAP solution manager – CCMS

The monitoring of SAP environments requires the application of a specific strategy to access and verify key monitoring variables. SAP provides for this purpose a dedicated data interface – the CCMS interface. This is an open data-exchange interface allowing to communicate through an external source with the SAP-environment. For NetEye we have adapted the opensource…

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13. 02. 2012 Patrick Zambelli NetEye

Integration of SAP solution manager – CCMS

The monitoring of SAP environments requires the application of a specific strategy to access and verify key monitoring variables. SAP provides for this purpose a dedicated data interface – the CCMS interface. This is an open data-exchange interface allowing to communicate through an external source with the SAP-environment. For NetEye we have adapted the opensource…

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13. 02. 2012 Patrick Zambelli NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Integration of SAP solution manager – CCMS

The monitoring of SAP environments requires the application of a specific strategy to access and verify key monitoring variables. SAP provides for this purpose a dedicated data interface – the CCMS interface. This is an open data-exchange interface allowing to communicate through an external source with the SAP-environment. For NetEye we have adapted the opensource…

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27. 01. 2012 Arianna Cunaccia NetEye

NetEye User Group 2012: nuove tendenze di mercato per il monitoraggio

Dopo la forte richiesta da parte di clienti e utenti il 18 gennaio 2012 a Padova abbiamo organizzato la prima edizione a livello italiano dello User Group dedicato a NetEye.  L’evento, a cui hanno partecipato innumerevoli aziende,  ha rappresentato un’occasione di confronto tra fornitori e clienti. L’obiettivo era di definire insieme la futura strategia del…

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20. 01. 2012 Arianna Cunaccia NetEye, Network Traffic Monitoring, ntop, Real User Experience Monitoring

Real User Monitoring nell’era del Cloud

Quando arrivano delle lamentele ai responsabili informatici, deve essere chiaro dove cercare la causa. Nella propria azienda? O nei servizi offerti da fornitori esterni? Sono problemi da imputare alla rete? O alle applicazioni? E soprattutto come è possibile dimostrare, nell’era del Cloud , se il disservizio è causato da problemi nella propria infrastruttura o nella nuvola?…

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16. 01. 2012 Oreste Attanasio NetEye, Service Management

Extending OTRS

The ITIL driven ticketing system OTRS, included in NetEye, comes with a variety of features which alone suite most customers’ needs: the flexibility of the queues system, the user management and the integration possibilities,  together with the ITSM Module makes it an easy-to-adopt product out of the box. Sometimes, though, when the basic features are…

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16. 01. 2012 Oreste Attanasio NetEye

Extending OTRS

The ITIL driven ticketing system OTRS, included in NetEye, comes with a variety of features which alone suite most customers’ needs: the flexibility of the queues system, the user management and the integration possibilities,  together with the ITSM Module makes it an easy-to-adopt product out of the box. Sometimes, though, when the basic features are…

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16. 01. 2012 Oreste Attanasio NetEye

Extending OTRS

The ITIL driven ticketing system OTRS, included in NetEye, comes with a variety of features which alone suite most customers’ needs: the flexibility of the queues system, the user management and the integration possibilities,  together with the ITSM Module makes it an easy-to-adopt product out of the box. Sometimes, though, when the basic features are…

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