Blog Entries

10. 04. 2012 NetEye Blog Admin NetEye

Best of Breed vs Vendor Lock-In

Leistungsfähigkeit allein ist bei Monitoring-Systemen schon lange kein Unterscheidungsmerkmal mehr. Eine überschaubare Implementierung, kurze Einführungszeiten, kalkulierbare Kosten, vor allem aber eine freie Nutzung, die keine strategische Abhängigkeit vom Hersteller aufbaut, werden immer wichtiger. Besonders für den Bereich Netzwerk-Monitoring haben sich dafür in jüngster Zeit Lösungen aus dem Open-Source-Bereich durchgesetzt.

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30. 03. 2012 Georg Kostner Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

NetEye version 3.3 has been released

The new version of WÜRTHPHOENIX NetEye has been released. Among the various newly introduced modules, one of the most significant features is Real User Monitoring. The Real User Monitoring is an innovative approach that checks the availability, reliability and response time of the services from the end user perspective allowing to discover if the cause of…

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30. 03. 2012 Georg Kostner NetEye

NetEye version 3.3 has been released

The new version of WÜRTHPHOENIX NetEye has been released. Among the various newly introduced modules, one of the most significant features is Real User Monitoring. The Real User Monitoring is an innovative approach that checks the availability, reliability and response time of the services from the end user perspective allowing to discover if the cause of…

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30. 03. 2012 Georg Kostner NetEye

NetEye version 3.3 has been released

The new version of WÜRTHPHOENIX NetEye has been released. Among the various newly introduced modules, one of the most significant features is Real User Monitoring. The Real User Monitoring is an innovative approach that checks the availability, reliability and response time of the services from the end user perspective allowing to discover if the cause of…

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29. 03. 2012 Arianna Cunaccia NetEye

Würth Phoenix punta al mercato internazionale con NetEye

Una testata giornalistica locale ha pubblicato la notizia sulla presenza di NetEye al CeBIT. Ecco l’articolo. 🙂

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16. 03. 2012 NetEye Blog Admin NetEye

Open Source ist keine Glaubensfrage

Dass es bei Open Source mittlerweile um weit mehr als bloßen Kosteneinsparungen geht, dürfte hinlänglich bekannt sein. In dieser relativ aktuellen Publikation finden sich einige interessate Ansätze über Vorteile, Risiken und Voraussetzungen eines erfolgreichen Einsatzes von Open Source-Lösungen.

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16. 03. 2012 Arianna Cunaccia Interviews, NetEye

Cosa ne pensano i nostri clienti?

NetEye visto dagli utenti. Guarda il video per scoprire le opinioni di chi ha già adottato la soluzione. 😉

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15. 03. 2012 Georg Kostner NetEye, ntop

Die CeBIT 2012 – Ein Rückblick

Open Source und die allgegenwärtige Cloud als Publikumsmagneten Seit 26 Jahren treffen sich Anfang März Anbieter und Anwender der IT-Branche in Hannover auf der CeBIT. Debütiert hat die größte Fachmesse für Informationstechnologie weltweit 1986 unter dem Namen „Centrum für Büro und Informationstechnik“. Dieser Bezeichnung  sind die Veranstalter bis heute treu geblieben. Die Aussteller- und Besucherschwerpunkte…

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14. 03. 2012 NetEye Blog Admin NetEye

Open Source – Open Business

Il 1˚ marzo Würth Phoenix era presente alla Open Source Conference di Roma. L’evento, volto a diffondere la percezione del valore dell’Open Source e a dimostrare la sua capacità di soddisfare con sicurezza le richieste degli ambienti informatici moderni, ha attratto l’attenzione di oltre 280 addetti ai lavori. Da cosa scaturisce, secondo Voi, tutto questo…

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13. 03. 2012 Arianna Cunaccia NetEye, NetEye Conference

10 maggio 2012 – Save the date!

  Il 10 maggio a Bolzano avrà luogo la Open Source System Management Conference.  Quest’anno abbiamo deciso di non limitarci solo a Nagios ma di dare spazio anche ad altre piattaforme di System Management in ambito Open Source. Questo il motivo per cui abbiamo rinominato la precedente “Nagios World Conference Europe”. 10 MAGGIO 2012, BOLZANO Centro Congressi…

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05. 03. 2012 NetEye Blog Admin Events, NetEye

NetEye at the CeBIT

 More transparency on the Network Performance The integration of ntop into the System Management offer of NetEye – Georg Kostner, Product Manager NetEye at Würth Phoenix – Luca Deri, founder of ntop 7th of March 1:45-2:30pm Conference Hall 2, E56 For all people that were not able to participate or see the live-streaming, the NetEye presentation illustrated…

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05. 03. 2012 NetEye Blog Admin NetEye

NetEye at the CeBIT

 More transparency on the Network Performance The integration of ntop into the System Management offer of NetEye – Georg Kostner, Product Manager NetEye at Würth Phoenix – Luca Deri, founder of ntop 7th of March 1:45-2:30pm Conference Hall 2, E56 For all people that were not able to participate or see the live-streaming, the NetEye presentation illustrated…

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05. 03. 2012 NetEye Blog Admin NetEye

NetEye at the CeBIT

 More transparency on the Network Performance The integration of ntop into the System Management offer of NetEye – Georg Kostner, Product Manager NetEye at Würth Phoenix – Luca Deri, founder of ntop 7th of March 1:45-2:30pm Conference Hall 2, E56 For all people that were not able to participate or see the live-streaming, the NetEye presentation illustrated…

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29. 02. 2012 Thomas Forrer EriZone & OTRS, NetEye

La creazione di un ticket, non è mai stata più veloce: la nuova interfaccia SMS per OTRS

Quando si deve inserire una nuova richiesta di assistenza, ci si sente spesso frustrati dalla lunga procedura da seguire. Collegarsi, cercare il sistema, eventualmente autentificarsi, processare la richiesta …  è  per questo che l’invio di messaggi SMS potrebbe rappresentare una modalità molto più semplice e veloce per gestire le richieste. Grazie alla funzionalità dell’SMS Gateway in…

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24. 02. 2012 Georg Kostner NetEye, ntop

NetEye e ntop al CeBIT 2012

 „IT Monitoring: mai stato più facile!” Se volete scoprire i fattori di successo di NetEye, il 7 marzo al CeBIT presenterò le principali innolvazioni della nostra soluzione focalizzandomi sul monitoraggio dei servizi cloud. Insieme a Luca Deri,  introdurremo l’integrazione di ntop in NetEye, per l’analisi dettagliata del traffico di rete e in particolare dei valori effettivi…

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