Blog Entries

07. 08. 2012 Juergen Vigna NetEye, Unified Monitoring

How to monitor IBM storage

A customer has recently required to monitor their IBM Storewize V7000. The  control of the SAN IBM was crucial for the company as these systems were in  failover with critical data replication. It was frequently happening that the  replication process was interrupted and till now no solutions were implemented  to send prompt notifications in case…

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03. 08. 2012 Juergen Vigna Nagios, Nagios Plugins, NetEye

Come monitorare delle SAN IBM

Recentemente un cliente mi ha richiesto di inserire nel monitoraggio anche il controllo del loro IBM Storewize V7000. Per l’azienda il controllo degli storage SAN IBM rappresentava un aspetto cruciale visto che questi sistemi erano posizionati in failover per la replica di dati critici. Capitava spesso che il processo di replica si interrompesse e fino…

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30. 07. 2012 Andrea di Lernia NetEye, Network Traffic Monitoring

Verifica l’utilizzo delle linee di comunicazione

Un’ interessante check chiamato “” ci consente di verificare l’ utilizzo delle nostre linee di comunicazione permettendoci di scatenare allarmi in caso di superamento di soglie configurabili. Su questo controllo si possono definire le bande anche asimmetricamente nelle due direzioni ( upload e download) in modo da capire in maniera rapida se si sta arrivando…

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25. 07. 2012 NetEye Blog Admin EriZone & OTRS

Primo Preferred Partner OTRS per l´Italia

Würth Phoenix diventa il primo e finora unico “Preferred Partner” per OTRS ITSM in Italia. Sono 6 i nostri consulenti certificati  in grado di offrire un’ampia gamma di servizi OTRS, tra questi  l’installazione della soluzione, la formazione di utenti ed amministratori oltre alla manutenzione, il supporto e la consulenza su ampliamenti funzionali. L´offerta di OTRS comprende un…

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20. 07. 2012 NetEye Blog Admin NetEye

NeDi ab sofort Teil des NetEye-Angebotes

Die Netzwerkmanagement-Suite von NeDi ist nun komplett in NetEye integriert

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20. 07. 2012 Arianna Cunaccia NetEye

Come gestire connessioni remote con semplicità

Avete mai avuto o avete il bisogno di gestire svariate connessioni? Vi sarete trovati anche voi quindi nella situazione di dovervi ogni volta autenticare, aver più console aperte con il rischio di commettere degli errori, modificare le varie configurazioni o proprietà per ogni singola connessione. mRemoteNG è un fork di mRemote, soluzione Open Source che riesce…

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21. 06. 2012 Oreste Attanasio Service Management

OTRS – Assign Customer Companies to groups or services

With OTRS you can define different customers backends even choosing to integrate data from an LDAP server. To keep track of customers’ service subscriptions, you can define a relationship between single customers and groups and services. This allows customer users just to see services they subscribed. OTRS comes with 2 administration panels which allow to…

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21. 06. 2012 Oreste Attanasio Uncategorized

OTRS – Assign Customer Companies to groups or services

With OTRS you can define different customers backends even choosing to integrate data from an LDAP server. To keep track of customers’ service subscriptions, you can define a relationship between single customers and groups and services. This allows customer users just to see services they subscribed. OTRS comes with 2 administration panels which allow to…

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21. 06. 2012 Oreste Attanasio Uncategorized

OTRS – Assign Customer Companies to groups or services

With OTRS you can define different customers backends even choosing to integrate data from an LDAP server. To keep track of customers’ service subscriptions, you can define a relationship between single customers and groups and services. This allows customer users just to see services they subscribed. OTRS comes with 2 administration panels which allow to…

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20. 06. 2012 NetEye Blog Admin Non categorizzato

Asystel nuovo partner NetEye

Dopo l´ottima risposta di mercato con oltre 200 installazioni solamente in Italia, la strategia di NetEye prevede il continuo allargamento dei canali di consulenza e distribuzione, puntando su partner affidabili e forti per portare i vantaggi della soluzione alle aziende che vogliono aumentare la loro produttività lavorativa. In questo contesto recentemente la società milanese Asystel ha…

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20. 06. 2012 NetEye Blog Admin NetEye

NetEye success prompts new reselling expansion

After the good market response with over 200 installations in a few years only in Italy, we are spreading our consulting and distribution channels, focusing on partnerships with strong and reliable companies that can offer the advantages of our solution to organizations that are willing to increase their working productivity by innovative Open Source IT systems. In this context last…

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20. 06. 2012 NetEye Blog Admin NetEye

NetEye success prompts new reselling expansion

After the good market response with over 200 installations in a few years only in Italy, we are spreading our consulting and distribution channels, focusing on partnerships with strong and reliable companies that can offer the advantages of our solution to organizations that are willing to increase their working productivity by innovative Open Source IT systems. In this context last…

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20. 06. 2012 NetEye Blog Admin NetEye

NetEye success prompts new reselling expansion

After the good market response with over 200 installations in a few years only in Italy, we are spreading our consulting and distribution channels, focusing on partnerships with strong and reliable companies that can offer the advantages of our solution to organizations that are willing to increase their working productivity by innovative Open Source IT systems. In this context last…

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19. 06. 2012 Patrick Zambelli NetEye

Action Launchpad: how to ease the activities for the Service Desk

Today I would like to present a module recently introduced in NetEye. The implementation has been promoted by a customer with the requirement to delegate repeated administrative task to dedicated operating and helpdesk departments. The ActionLaunchpad aims to provide to Non-Priviledged administators tasks they can Run on remote operating systems satisfying these requirements: – Agents do…

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19. 06. 2012 Patrick Zambelli NetEye

Action Launchpad: how to ease the activities for the Service Desk

Today I would like to present a module recently introduced in NetEye. The implementation has been promoted by a customer with the requirement to delegate repeated administrative task to dedicated operating and helpdesk departments. The ActionLaunchpad aims to provide to Non-Priviledged administators tasks they can Run on remote operating systems satisfying these requirements: – Agents do…

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