Blog Entries

21. 12. 2012 Arianna Cunaccia NetEye, Service Management

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

With the end of the year we hope we were able to assist you as loyal and trustworthy partner, able to best support your business needs. In the name of our whole team we would like to thank you for your cooperation and we whole-heartedly wish you and your family a serene Christmas time and…

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21. 12. 2012 Arianna Cunaccia NetEye

Frohe und geruhsame Festtage

Weihnachten ist ein Fest der Besinnung und eine Zeit des Rückblicks. Wir hoffen, Ihnen im ablaufenden Geschäftsjahr als vertrauenswürdiger und sicherer Partner beiseite gestanden zu haben. In Namen unseres gesamten Teams möchten wir uns für die Zusammenarbeit bedanken und wünschen Ihnen und Ihrer Familie von Herzen frohe und geruhsame Festtage. In eigener Sache: Den Jahreswechsel…

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21. 12. 2012 Arianna Cunaccia NetEye

Buon Natale e felice anno nuovo!

Con il volgere dell’anno desideriamo ringraziarvi per la fiducia accordataci e speriamo di avervi potuto offrire una collaborazione stabile e affidabile.  Tutto il nostro team augura a Lei e alla Sua famiglia un felice Natale e sereni giorni di festa. Vogliamo cogliere l’occasione per ricordarci delle persone che hanno bisogno di aiuto. Per questo sosterremo i…

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21. 12. 2012 Michael Medin NetEye

NSClient++ 0.4.1 released!

NSClient++ has for many years been the de facto way to monitor Windows machines from Nagios derived monitoring solutions such as Neteye, which over the past years has integrated various additional functionalities in its offer. With the new version (0.4.1) we are now moving steadily from “just a windows agent” to become versatile tool to…

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21. 12. 2012 Michael Medin NetEye

NSClient++ 0.4.1 released!

NSClient++ has for many years been the de facto way to monitor Windows machines from Nagios derived monitoring solutions such as Neteye, which over the past years has integrated various additional functionalities in its offer. With the new version (0.4.1) we are now moving steadily from “just a windows agent” to become versatile tool to…

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21. 12. 2012 Michael Medin NetEye, Unified Monitoring

NSClient++ 0.4.1 released!

NSClient++ has for many years been the de facto way to monitor Windows machines from Nagios derived monitoring solutions such as Neteye, which over the past years has integrated various additional functionalities in its offer. With the new version (0.4.1) we are now moving steadily from “just a windows agent” to become versatile tool to…

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20. 12. 2012 Luca Di Stefano NetEye, Real User Experience Monitoring

Real User Experience Monitoring con NetEye

Per poter misurare i servizi IT erogati, i tradizionali sistemi di monitoraggio informatico si focalizzavano esclusivamente sul controllo di componenti hardware e software e sulla rete, trascurando invece la misurazione delle prestazioni percepite dall’utente finale. Fino ad oggi, infatti, non era sempre possibile poter rispondere con precisione ai seguenti quesiti: Come identificare tempestivamente se la…

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20. 12. 2012 Luca Di Stefano NetEye, Real User Experience

Real User Experience Monitoring with NetEye

In order to analyze the quality level of the delivered IT services the traditional monitoring systems used to focus exclusively on the control of hardware and software components and the network, neglecting the measurement of the performance experienced by the end user. Until now it was not always possible, in fact, to give a precise…

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20. 12. 2012 Luca Di Stefano NetEye, Real User Experience Monitoring

Real User Experience Monitoring with NetEye

In order to analyze the quality level of the delivered IT services the traditional monitoring systems used to focus exclusively on the control of hardware and software components and the network, neglecting the measurement of the performance experienced by the end user. Until now it was not always possible, in fact, to give a precise…

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10. 12. 2012 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Nuovi templates PNP per la visualizzazione dei valori massimi

Ho introdotto dei nuovi templates PNP in NetEye per visualizzare nei grafici non solo le informazioni calcolate sulle medie ma anche i valori massimi raggiunti. Come raffigurato nei due esempi sotto riportati, i grafici mostrano il traffico di rete in entrata (verde chiaro) e in uscita (verde scuro), calcolati sui valori medi. La novità consiste…

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10. 12. 2012 Juergen Vigna NetEye

New PNP templates to view max values in the graphs

TEST I have implemented new PNP templates for NetEye to display in the graphs not only the average information but also the maximum values. As displayed in the two examples below,  the network traffic graph shows in green color the inbound (Light green) and outbound  traffic (dark green), that are calculated as average values.  The…

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10. 12. 2012 Juergen Vigna NetEye, Unified Monitoring

New PNP templates to view max values in the graphs

I have implemented new PNP templates for NetEye to display in the graphs not only the average information but also the maximum values. As displayed in the two examples below,  the network traffic graph shows in green color the inbound (Light green) and outbound  traffic (dark green), that are calculated as average values.  The newly…

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07. 12. 2012 Juergen Vigna Uncategorized

Updated rsyslog package rsyslog-5.8.11-2

This update fixes an install/upgrade problem where syslog was activated instead of rsyslog.

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07. 12. 2012 Juergen Vigna Uncategorized

Updated rsyslog package rsyslog-5.8.11-2

This update fixes an install/upgrade problem where syslog was activated instead of rsyslog.

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07. 12. 2012 Juergen Vigna Downloads / Release Notes

Updated rsyslog package rsyslog-5.8.11-2

This update fixes an install/upgrade problem where syslog was activated instead of rsyslog.

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