Blog Entries

01. 07. 2011 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

neteye-syslogview-search 1.0.6-1

– added cronjob that ensures that only last 6 months of log files where kept in search index in order to avoid var partition space exhaustion.

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01. 07. 2011 Thomas Forrer NetEye

neteye-syslogview-search 1.0.6-1

– added cronjob that ensures that only last 6 months of log files where kept in search index in order to avoid var partition space exhaustion.

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01. 07. 2011 Thomas Forrer NetEye

neteye-syslogview-search 1.0.6-1

– added cronjob that ensures that only last 6 months of log files where kept in search index in order to avoid var partition space exhaustion.

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30. 06. 2011 Arianna Cunaccia NetEye


Se siete utenti WÜRTHPHOENIX NetEye o avete intenzione di installarlo allora potrebbe interessarvi la sessione di training organizzata da Würth Phoenix in collaborazione con Egos.Dal 28 al 30 settembre 2011, avrà luogo un seminario di tre giornate interamente dedicate a NetEye, per approfondire funzionalità e potenzialità del sistema.Se desiderate avere ulteriori informazioni riguardo costi, durata…

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24. 06. 2011 Patrick Zambelli Uncategorized

neteye-monarch 3.0.11

Monarch initial default SQL-Dump Update: Services and Host templates Nagios main configuration settings default check assignments on neteye Add dependency: perl-Nmap-Scanner

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24. 06. 2011 Patrick Zambelli Uncategorized

neteye-monarch 3.0.11

Monarch initial default SQL-Dump Update: Services and Host templates Nagios main configuration settings default check assignments on neteye Add dependency: perl-Nmap-Scanner

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24. 06. 2011 Patrick Zambelli Bug Fixes

neteye-monarch 3.0.11

Monarch initial default SQL-Dump Update: Services and Host templates Nagios main configuration settings default check assignments on neteye Add dependency: perl-Nmap-Scanner

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17. 06. 2011 Luca Di Stefano NetEye

Come connettersi ad un proxy con autenticazione ntlm usando linux

Una soluzione semplice la si ha utilizzando CNTLM (, un piccolo proxy locale che conosce l’autenticazione ntlm e redirige le richieste al proxy di dominio. La configurazione è piuttosto semplice. In /etc/cntlm.conf aggiungete e valorizzate i seguenti campi: Username luca Domain WP Password nonteladico Proxy mydomainproxy.wp.lan:8080 A questo punto avviate il servizio: /etc/init.d/cntlm start e…

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17. 06. 2011 Thomas Forrer Uncategorized

neteye-syslogview-search 1.0.5-1

– added templates for alcatel switches, sonicwall firewalls and finjan security gateways.

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17. 06. 2011 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes

neteye-syslogview-search 1.0.5-1

– added templates for alcatel switches, sonicwall firewalls and finjan security gateways.

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17. 06. 2011 Thomas Forrer Uncategorized

neteye-syslogview-search 1.0.5-1

– added templates for alcatel switches, sonicwall firewalls and finjan security gateways.

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17. 06. 2011 Juergen Vigna Uncategorized


Release a updated version of the NetEye mklivestatus modules: updated to 1.1.10p3 version of mklivestatus pnp_path variable gives information about pnp rrd files Timeperiod transitions

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17. 06. 2011 Juergen Vigna Downloads / Release Notes


Release a updated version of the NetEye mklivestatus modules: updated to 1.1.10p3 version of mklivestatus pnp_path variable gives information about pnp rrd files Timeperiod transitions

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17. 06. 2011 Juergen Vigna Uncategorized


Release a updated version of the NetEye mklivestatus modules: updated to 1.1.10p3 version of mklivestatus pnp_path variable gives information about pnp rrd files Timeperiod transitions

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16. 06. 2011 Patrick Zambelli Uncategorized

neteye-glpi-fusioninventory 2.2.3

Update of authentication strategy to correct agent authentication to glpi fusioninventory server. Avoid dependency to apache user password.

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