Blog Entries

09. 02. 2011 Juergen Vigna Uncategorized

NetEye NetMonitor update 1.6.2

Updated the NetEye NetMonitor package to version 1.6.2: New Features: check_netmon: Added Flag for CISCO handling to parse only given VLAN tags and not all webfrontend: Added the info for Duplex Status of the single ports of a switch Fixes: check_netmon: do only try one time to read snmp values and not as it was…

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08. 02. 2011 Patrick Zambelli Uncategorized

NetEye Cluster management of OTRS and syslog search

Release of neteye clustering version 1.1.3 Features: – integration of netraphandler daemon and OTRS service into cluster handling logic – Handling of cluster file unmount in case of force resource lock. Include logic to free system from locked NSCA processes of passive Nagios check results Supported NetEye Versions: 3.2

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08. 02. 2011 Patrick Zambelli Uncategorized

NetEye Cluster management of OTRS and syslog search

Release of neteye clustering version 1.1.3 Features: – integration of netraphandler daemon and OTRS service into cluster handling logic – Handling of cluster file unmount in case of force resource lock. Include logic to free system from locked NSCA processes of passive Nagios check results Supported NetEye Versions: 3.2

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08. 02. 2011 Patrick Zambelli Downloads / Release Notes

NetEye Cluster management of OTRS and syslog search

Release of neteye clustering version 1.1.3 Features: – integration of netraphandler daemon and OTRS service into cluster handling logic – Handling of cluster file unmount in case of force resource lock. Include logic to free system from locked NSCA processes of passive Nagios check results Supported NetEye Versions: 3.2

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07. 02. 2011 NetEye Blog Admin Log Management, NetEye

Linux Magazine announces Safed

Our Sylog Agent “Safed” quicked interest also at the editorial department of the Linux Magazin. As already announced on this pages, Safed is an new agent developed under GPL licence positioned primarily as OSS alternative for the Enterprise market.

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07. 02. 2011 NetEye Blog Admin NetEye

Linux Magazine announces Safed

Our Sylog Agent “Safed” quicked interest also at the editorial department of the Linux Magazin. As already announced on this pages, Safed is an new agent developed under GPL licence positioned primarily as OSS alternative for the Enterprise market.

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07. 02. 2011 NetEye Blog Admin NetEye

Linux Magazine announces Safed

Our Sylog Agent “Safed” quicked interest also at the editorial department of the Linux Magazin. As already announced on this pages, Safed is an new agent developed under GPL licence positioned primarily as OSS alternative for the Enterprise market.

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02. 02. 2011 MarinovMihail Syslog

L’agent Safed 1.4.1

Oggi e’ stata rilasciata la versione 1.4.1 dell’agent Safed per Windows e -ux In questa versione: – E’ stato introdotto il protocollo https per la comunicazione con l’embedded web server. – E’ stato introdotto il logging dell’agent, strutturato a più livelli, e che è possibile consultare via interfaccia web. – Sulla pagina dello status sono…

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01. 02. 2011 Andrea di Lernia Nagios, NetEye

SNMP Trap ….come gestirle

Ci sono vari modi di rilevare disfunzioni all’ interno della nostra infrastruttura IT, uno di questi e’ quello di configurare le varie periferiche per inviarci una notifica (SNMP TRAP) in caso di problemi. Questa modalita’ ci evita di interrogare continuamente i dispositivi per ottenere il loro stato liberando la coda delle richieste del server di…

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28. 01. 2011 Marco Sperini Garante della Privacy, NetEye, Syslog

Syslog Agent Safed, un anno di vita

Circa un anno fa iniziava la nostra attività che ha portato alla definizione ed allo sviluppo dell’agent Safed, partendo dalla base fornita da SNARE di Intersect Alliance e dalla nostra esperienza sul campo. Come il predecessore a cui ci siamo ispirati, Safed nelle varie versioni è disponibile nei termini della GNU Public License. Gli obiettivi…

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28. 01. 2011 NetEye Blog Admin Events

Accenture Open Source research industry findings

The popularity of open source software is growing, with many organisations realising the business benefits it could have. Read in this Accenture study how Open source could or even will in future present opportunities and challenges for different industries. >> Download study

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26. 01. 2011 Tobias Goller Nagios, NetEye

NetEye: monitoraggio di contatti elettrici… quindi non solo puro monitoraggio IT

Uno dei ns. clienti ha richiesto la possibilità di allertare il personale tecnico di manutenzione di stabilimento nel caso in cui avvenissero delle interruzioni elettriche su particolari punti d’interesse della produzione azienale. Con l’utilizzo di un nuovo sensore di contatto abbiamo con successo configurato il monitoraggio di un comune quadro elettrico (vedi foto) sprovvisto (fino…

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24. 01. 2011 NetEye Blog Admin Uncategorized

NETWAYS Open Source Data Center Conference 2011 – Call for Papers

Our colleagues from netways have asked as to announce their yearly Open Source Data Center Conference scheduled for April 6th and 7th at Nuremberg / Germany. The call for papers has already started. If you’ve got something to share, to tell, to introduce or to show regarding this year´s topic “Automated Systems Management” and interested in participating as…

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24. 01. 2011 NetEye Blog Admin Uncategorized

NETWAYS Open Source Data Center Conference 2011 – Call for Papers

Our colleagues from netways have asked as to announce their yearly Open Source Data Center Conference scheduled for April 6th and 7th at Nuremberg / Germany. The call for papers has already started. If you’ve got something to share, to tell, to introduce or to show regarding this year´s topic “Automated Systems Management” and interested in participating as…

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24. 01. 2011 NetEye Blog Admin Events

NETWAYS Open Source Data Center Conference 2011 – Call for Papers

Our colleagues from netways have asked as to announce their yearly Open Source Data Center Conference scheduled for April 6th and 7th at Nuremberg / Germany. The call for papers has already started. If you’ve got something to share, to tell, to introduce or to show regarding this year´s topic “Automated Systems Management” and interested in participating as…

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