Nagios World Conference Europe™: The new Linux standard DRBD
During the Nagios World Conference Europe™, one of the topic that will be presented is “Real Time Cluster Synchronisation for more Reliability in High Availability Systems”. Martin Loschwitz, Linbit Senior consultant, will clarify this concept introducing new Linux standards DRBD and explaining how DRBD can substitute the SAN data center.
“The data are the lifeblood of an application. Without them even the best platform will be useless. One of the goal during the creation of high availability solutions is the redundancy of the data. With SANs setups is possible to guarantee the high availability but with some limits. In fact these configurations are Single point of Failures (SPOFs), despite the internal redundancies, and the companies are dependent to their suppliers for a long term. DRBD is a solution for the redundant archiving of data for Linux and a proven alternative to the SAN’s data centers. With DRBD every data is duplicated twice on two independent servers. So if one of the server has problems, the application can be restarted in the other one without any loss of data. Downtimes are in this way eliminated.”
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This article describes an ad-hoc monitoring solution for MSSQL within a synchronized high-availability setup. Due to the circumstances surrounding the request from a customers’ request, with this setup we couldn't use the standard command/check that' are's commonly used, but an Read More
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What is DRBD? DRBD is a distributed replicated storage system for the Linux platform. It is implemented as a kernel driver, several user-space management applications, and some shell scripts. DRBD is traditionally used in high availability (HA) computer clusters, but beginning with DRBD Read More
A common issue in cluster environment is the split brain condition. A split brain occurs when some nodes of the cluster are not able to communicate properly, but instead continue to work like two separate, distinct clusters leading to data Read More
As soon as you manage more than a few DRBD resources distributed over a wide set of hardware, split brain situations cannot always be avoided. Standard split brains are caused by multiple nodes having different opinions about the latest state Read More