14. 02. 2011 MarinovMihail NetEye Updates

L’agent Safed 1.4.2

Oggi è stata rilasciata la versione 1.4.2 di Safed per Windows. Il rilascio risolve il malfunzionamento di Safed legato ai filtri sugli eventi, che si manifesta nel caso particolare in cui nel campo “General Search Term” e’ specificata l’espressione regolare “.*”. In particolari situazioni, tale bug puo’ provocare un continuo riavvio del servizio Safed (comportamento rilevato su Windows Server 2008).



Developer at Würth Phoenix
“Hi guys! I’m Mihail and since the university years I has been fascinated by distributed systems and measurements on them. Now when I join the Neteye project I get the possibility to continue with this passion and this is great. My free time is completely dedicated to my wife and my daughters, I simply love them.”



“Hi guys! I’m Mihail and since the university years I has been fascinated by distributed systems and measurements on them. Now when I join the Neteye project I get the possibility to continue with this passion and this is great. My free time is completely dedicated to my wife and my daughters, I simply love them.”

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