In questo ultimo periodo abbiamo avuto spesso delle lamentele da parte di un nostro cliente sulle performance del loro gestionale in ASP.
Analizzando i grafici di NetEye con Cacti: sia l’Advanced ping sia l’in e out band del traffico si è potuto vedere chiaramente che in certi orari c’era un massiccio consumo della banda.
È stato così identificato che il problema delle prestazioni dello ERP, il quale comunica in protocollo http, era da ricollegarsi al consumo elevato di banda in questa fascia oraria.
Confrontando i dati con i feedbacks degli utenti finali abbiamo avuto la conferma che lo slow down del sistema era proprio nel periodo in cui nei grafici l’advanced ping mostrava round rip molto alti, packet loss e consumi elevati.
Ma come risalire alle origini e capire la ragione dell’utilizzo elevato della banda?
In quest’occasione abbiamo potuto apprezzare il grande valore aggiunto che ci ha dato le funzionalità di NTOP integrato in NetEye. Attraverso la raccolta dei flussi di rete tramite nprobe e l’analisi dei dati storicizzati archiviati in NetEye siamo riusciti velocemente a ricavare i protocolli e gli indirizzi IP coinvolti. Grazie ai filtri a livello di sotto reti (per esempio src net si riesce a vedere tutta la comunicazione in origine.
Hi everybody, I’m Andrea and my contribution to this blog is to give hints of the monitoring issue from an IT manager point of view. I was born in Bolzano in 1965 and my professional path started 25 years ago operating on the technical field as programmer, system/database administrator, network engineer, consultancy and so on. I’ve been living in Milan for 10 years working for multinational IT companies and I decided to return to Bolzano after my marriage and the birth of my daughter.
I love sailing and diving in the summer, skiing in the winter and travelling off-road with my Landcruiser anytime
Andrea di Lernia
Hi everybody, I’m Andrea and my contribution to this blog is to give hints of the monitoring issue from an IT manager point of view. I was born in Bolzano in 1965 and my professional path started 25 years ago operating on the technical field as programmer, system/database administrator, network engineer, consultancy and so on. I’ve been living in Milan for 10 years working for multinational IT companies and I decided to return to Bolzano after my marriage and the birth of my daughter.
I love sailing and diving in the summer, skiing in the winter and travelling off-road with my Landcruiser anytime
Scenario NetEye4 provides a graphical engine to represent time series data stored into Influx database: Grafana engine accessible through the ITOA menu on the left side. Grafana is very powerful: its dashboards are built up of panels. A lot of Read More
Alerts are critical signals that demand immediate attention to minimize disruptions and maintain smooth operations. Proactively managing alerts throughout their lifecycle is key to effective event-driven workflows, incident response, and business continuity. By leveraging alerting tools within Jira Service Management Read More
Hello everyone! As you may remember, a topic I like to discuss a lot on this blog is the Proof of Concept (POC) about how we could enhance search within our online NetEye User Guide. Well, we're happy to share Read More
In the ever-evolving landscape of IT monitoring and management, the ability to efficiently handle multi-dimensional namespaces is crucial. Within NetEye, Log-SIEM (Elastic), provides a comprehensive solution for managing the single namespace dimension with the namespace of a data_stream. This blog Read More
Hey everyone! We played around a bit last time with our radar data to build a model that we could train outside Elasticsearch, loading it through Eland and then applying it using an ingest pipeline. But since our data is Read More